Better Stretches for Swimming - Cook Strait Update
Monday, September 24, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Japan celebrates three days before and after the equinox as a time for life reflection, looking forward and back. A Mid-Autumn Festival of the second of three fall harvests is celebrated in many East Asian communities around this time on a varying lunar calendar. The full moon closest to the Autumn equinox is the Harvest Moon, lighting long evenings of harvest work. The moon all during the month of the Autumn equinox is the Wine Moon, a good time for grape harvest, occurring (usually) around September in the northern hemisphere and March in the southern hemisphere.

He is training to swim the 16 miles of the Cook Straight, introduced in May's post Sixteen Miles of Cold Water and updated in Getting Fitter in 50 Degrees.
Dr. Ernie sent the photo at left and wrote,
"This phase has been one of knuckling down. So here goes:One of the things Dr. Ernie and I have been working on is better swim stretches.
"Cook Strait Swim: Phase II
"Now it gets serious.....
"On June 6 I completed my last open water swim in Wellington Harbour in water temps of about 14 C: It felt really cold, the coldest I've experienced. The swim lasted 45 minutes and I noted that afterwards I didn't shiver at all -- a clear sign of acclimatization. I was advised by all to start serious swim technique and endurance preparation in the pool.
"I met with Phil Rush -- the man who has crossed the Strait seven times (including a double-crossing) and who holds the world's record for a triple crossing of the English Channel. He will be piloting the support boat for my attempt, which will hopefully be in February 2008. His advice: swim, swim, swim -- get up to 40 km/week by December (approx 25 statute miles or 21.6 nautical miles), and then be ready to take a 6-hour test in early January. In the test I will have to demonstrate that I can sustain at least a 3 km/hour pace for the 6 hours (a little under 2 miles per hour, a mid-training pace).
"Since July, I've been meeting with my coach, a former Olympian (I'll not mention his name until I've made it successfully across the Strait) and it's been hard going. But very necessary. What I assumed I could do on my own proved to be incorrect. For one, basic aspects of technique have been clarified and my entire stroke has been reworked in the past two months -- a good thing because I don't have a competitive swimming background and I've been doing lots of stuff to create drag. If' I' m to make it across the Strait I'll have to be extremely efficient. And I'll have to be able to keep up pace to stay warm. So my coach had done several important things: first, he's forced me to realign my body position, stressing posture, line and balance; second, he's pushed high-intensity sprint and interval training in addition to long distance swims. I plan to continue weekly lessons through the end of the year."

I investigated this over several years in the lab, and found that much of the problem is unhealthful stretches, not the range achieved.
You can have a mobile strong shoulder without developing instability or injuring the shoulder joints and surrounding cartilage and soft tissue.
One counterproductive stretch for most people is pulling one arm across the front of your body. It is usually The Stretch You Need The Least. Click the link for more about why.
A better way to stretch your shoulders is to stop doing this less healthful stretch and do three healthier ones:
Front chest (pectoral) muscles, taught in Fixing Upper Back and Neck Pain
- Nice Neck Stretch. To make sure you get the stretch as intended and not lean or round forward, do the Nice Neck Stretch (trapezius stretch pictured at right) with your back and the back of your head against a wall so that you do not bring your head forward of the wall as you slide down to the side.
- Fast Fitness Friday this week will add a third stretch that is more effective than the common practice of pulling the elbow overhead with the other hand - Friday Fast Fitness - Better Shoulder and Triceps Stretch.
Related Fitness Fixer:
- Dr. Ernie's story continues next week - Nutrition for Endurance Swim Training.
- Post from last year's equinox - Is Bad Martial Arts Good Exercise?
- More to understand what makes a good stretch - What Does Stretching Do?
- Click labels under this post for more Fitness Fixer about each topic.
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Photo 1 Dr. Ernie training in open water
Drawing 2 © Dr. Jolie Bookspan from the book Stretching Smarter Stretching Healthier
Photo 3 © Jolie of Paul doing the trapezius stretch from the book Fix Your Own Pain Without Drugs or Surgery
Drawing 2 © Dr. Jolie Bookspan from the book Stretching Smarter Stretching Healthier
Photo 3 © Jolie of Paul doing the trapezius stretch from the book Fix Your Own Pain Without Drugs or Surgery
Labels: arm, holiday, readers inspiring story, shoulder, stretch, swimming
At Sunday, September 30, 2007 3:26:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
these are very helpful stretches- I've used them in preparation for swim sessions and they work!
At Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:58:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lately I've been doing long swims and noticed a discomfort in my upper left back, probably because my left side is my weak side and my breathing isn't as smooth as on my right. But Dr. Bookspan's upper back stretches and pectoral stretches have proved to be extremely helpful in alleviating this discomfort.
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