Innovation in Abdominal Muscles
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
1. The Cause
If you stand with your behind tilted out in back (middle) and/or lean the upper body backward (right), you increase the normal inward arch in the lower spine.

Often no injury shows on x-rays or scans. The person may be told nothing is wrong. Or that they have a back "condition." They many be told to strengthen their muscles, or improve endurance, or given pain suppressing medicine. Those do not stop the source of the injury. Over years, the facet joints (joints of the vertebrae) may finally wear out. Sometimes other things show on x-rays and the patient is treated for the scan results, the pain masked with drugs or returning mysteriously because this cause went unaddressed. Injections and surgery are frequently prescribed, but not necessary. Why not?
2. The Relief
The latest "buzz-phrase" in fitness is that back and abdominal muscle endurance, more than strength, is important in solving back pain. However, that still leaves out the key - improving endurance with conventional core training does not train you to stand without overarching. It is not automatic.
The innovation is not a new pill, device, or footrest, or to improve strength or endurance with crunches (not good for your back anyway), or to work on one particular muscle, for example the overrated multifidus. The innovation is to stop the source of the pain then and there, by reducing the over-arch to normal, small inward curve called neutral spine, with simple spine repositioning.

- The left photo shows overarching. It is not the normal curve to the lower spine. The silhouette of the lower back is hidden by the arm, but you can see the beltline tilted downward in front and the hip tilted forward in front and out in back. The length of the abs is roughly marked by distance between the hands.
- The right photo shows reducing hyperlordosis to neutral spine. Try it yourself by standing with your hands on the bottom of your ribs and center hipbone. Straighten your torso, as if doing a slight crunch standing up. Hands draw closer. The belt line levels. This is normal, straight, relaxed standing position.
3. How Abs "Support"
The muscles that you happen to use to tuck the hip under until you reach neutral spine are your abdominal muscles, including obliques. That is the innovation. You stop the source of pain and get free built-in abdominal muscle exercise at the same time. No tightening, just functional use as a lifestyle. That is what abdominal muscles do. They prevent overarching - but only when you use them.
To direct treatment to fixing the source of pain, and to replace conventional core training with something that applies better to real life, I developed an innovative technique that specifically trains core muscles functionally - which means maintaining healthy spine during daily use. It is called The Ab Revolution™ and has two parts. The first details how to get comfortable neutral spine to stop pain during daily life, no special or strenuous exercises needed. The second part is for people who want healthier exercise. Exercises range from simple to high. Students using the book asked for more illustrations, so Part I of the newest edition has 49 illustrations. Part II on functional strengthening has 65 illustrations, both with step-by-step instructions. If you use the book, use the newest third edition, expanded. Here is the link to my BOOKS page to see it -
Related Posts:
- Using Abdominal Muscles is Not Tightening or Pressing Navel to Spine
- Prevent Main Factor in Back Pain After Running and Walking
- Lower Back Pain and Golf
- What Abdominal Muscles Don't Do - The Missing Link
- What Does It Look Like to Not Use Abdominal Muscles?
- Prevent Back Surgery
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---Read success stories of these methods and send your own. Before asking questions, see if your answers are already here by clicking labels under posts, links in posts, archives at right, and The Fitness Fixer Index. Subscribe to The Fitness Fixer, click "updates via e-mail" (under trumpet) upper right.
For personal medical questions - Replies to Medical Questions. Limited Class spaces for personal feedback. Top students may apply for certification through Learn more in Dr. Bookspan's Books.
Drawing of Backman!™ © copyright Dr. Jolie Bookspan
Photos © from the book The Ab Revolution™
Labels: abdominal muscles, endurance, facet joints, fix pain, lordosis, lower back, neutral spine, practice of medicine
At Sunday, October 28, 2007 7:35:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
...this single move stopped my back pain, which I had live with for 2-years....
.....excellent article....
At Thursday, April 10, 2008 11:01:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
i have never done it before. Now i will try it and a trial will convenice me.
Phil South Africa.
At Friday, April 11, 2008 5:54:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Phil, if the lower back pain is caused by overarching, and you correctly stop overarching (and don't add something else injurious), then that pain will stop.
Beside the technique shown in this post, to help see how to restore neutral spine from an overarch ed position, look at the movie in Neutral Spine in 5 Seconds.
At Wednesday, October 15, 2008 8:29:00 PM,
Anton said…
I've been doing a number of exercises from Dr. Bookspan's excellent Fix Your Own Pain Without Drugs or Surgery, specifically abdominal and back exercises (lower and upper-back extensions, plus some isometric ab exercises). My back has never felt better, and my posture is much improved.
One question I have about the above and other exercises from the book is, are most of these hold for 3, 5, 10, 15-second type of exercises? Or are they just sort of repetition exercises without a hold-for-x-number-of-seconds component?
At Wednesday, November 18, 2009 8:43:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Neutral spine is the position you need to hold and use all the time.
Brain power to remember.
Stretches lengthen the muscle so it’s easier to get to neutral.
Exercises strengthen the muscles and teach you how to move correctly.
Put this all together and you get neutral spine equal to normal spine.
When it’s tight stretch it, which may mean from time to time through out the day.
Practice the exercises to build strength and balance and learn to use the lung and squat for daily lifting.
Paul J.
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