Respiratory Muscle Training for Swimming, Diving, and Running
Friday, July 06, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM

In one study, Researchers at the State University of Buffalo at New York found that respiratory muscle training improves swimming and respiratory performance at depth. As you go deeper, the work of breathing can increase, even using high performance breathing devices, because of higher gas density and other factors. They tested the effect of resistance respiratory muscle training on respiratory function and swimming endurance in divers at 55 fsw (~16 m). They found that respiratory muscles were less fatigued following training, breathing rate was lower during the swims, and that the training increased the duration they could swim by about 60%. They concluded that respiratory muscle fatigue limits swimming endurance at depth, and the increase in swimming endurance may result from reduced work of breathing or improved respiratory muscle ability.
The second study by the same group looked at the different benefits of training the endurance and strength of the respiratory muscles. Eighteen SCUBA-certified swimmers were randomly assigned to a placebo group who didn't train their breathing muscles, a respiratory endurance training group, or a respiratory strength training group. Each group used a breathing resistance device five days a week for 30 min over four weeks. The endurance trained group decreased heart rate and ventilation during underwater swims. Both the endurance and strength groups improved fin swimming endurance. The placebo group experienced no changes.
The researchers concluded that respiratory muscle training is effective in improving swimming endurance. They told me they found it is also effective for endurance running, but perhaps not as effective. They are working on finding out why. My friends who do long stints in submarines mentioned they like to use respiratory muscle training to help keep them in shape since they can't go out for a run while on sub duty.
- Respiratory Muscle Training for Better Health and Exercise - how breathing exercises help increase respiratory capacity in people with various diseases, and physical training in athletes.
- Do Breathing Exercises Work? shows ways to do breathing training without respiratory training devices.
- The book Healthy Martial Arts gives more for breathing health in daily life and training.
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Labels: aerobic, breathing, endurance, hyperbaric, military fitness, performance enhancing modality, scuba, strength, swimming
At Friday, July 06, 2007 9:29:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Dr Bookspan,
I was wondering if you recommend a particular type of resistance device for breath training?
There are many on the market and they all claim to be better than the competition.
At Friday, July 06, 2007 3:27:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Hi Brian,
I am familiar with some of the devices and claims you mention. Just as for any other muscles, you don't need any machine or device. The article Do Breathing Exercises Work? shows how to get started without devices, and the book Healthy Martial Arts has a chapter on improving breathing in real ways and avoiding hype.
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