Thank you Grand Rounds 3.39
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
The web version of Grand Rounds is a weekly medical web post that recommends notable medical posts of the week.
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Labels: Grand Rounds
At Friday, June 22, 2007 9:03:00 AM,
Unknown said…
My name is Suneet Chauhan i am from India. i am 23 yrs of Age..
Its been two ears now i had joiden the Gym i am working out continusly.
I haven't taken any supplements and all i dont even smoke and drink.
I have some glands type of thing in my body it basically in my arms only there are about 15 glands small
but if i press them i feel like somebody is pinching me... but it never increases in size i am normal only..
i am in worry that i hope its not anything serious.. Today i had gone to Hospital to get it Check.
Doctor told me its just a swelling in ur skin and when u press that glands it touches ur nerve thats why it pains so
he has given me the Medicene for 10 Days the name of medicene is (Omnacortil 10 Mg) i have to take for 10 days after that if
there is some change then its fine as the Doctor told me. Otherwise the glands will disappear Automatically as u grow up more.
I need a help from u that will this course work on me or i have to do something Else.....
I will be waiting for ur reply...
Thanking You
Yours Faithfully
Suneet Chauhan
At Sunday, June 24, 2007 5:01:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Hello Mr. Suneet,
Omsacortil is a medicine to reduce inflammation. It is also called prednisolone and prednisone. It is very strong. Not good to take it for a long time. Make sure to only take it for the short time (10 days) they told you.
I cannot tell from the description if the swellings are glands or something else. What can it be from? Some medicines can cause swollen glands. Parasites in food and water. Certain bacteria. Bites from ticks and other animals. Swollen glands can come from sickness - serious like tuberculosis or cancer, or just from a cold. Good that you checked with your doctor. We want to find out what else may be possible.
Are the swellings under your arm near the body or along the long part? I might be able to tell more if you can send at least two photos, one close up to clearly show the swelling and one that shows them in relation to your upper body. Let us know what happens after the medicine is finished.
At Friday, November 30, 2007 2:31:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Sir ,
This Narasimha , iam 25 years old, actually my left leg and my left hand getting a small pain since 1 yr, so i consult to Neurology doctor , so given to me 1st time hr written MAXIGOLIN AND PROXYVON combination for day time and bed time he given TRYPTOMER, so i didn't get any pain while iam using those medicine but aftre i stopped again my pain is as usual so, again i went to my doctor he eritten a NERVES machine test in that , that test report my ALL nerves are very healthy like that so now my doctor said ur nerves are perfectly all right , so after this he was written FELIZ-S10 AND OMNACORTIL-10 both for Day time and bed time TRYPTOMER 10 SO NOW MY
pain is reducing , so can u please suggest me that why i am getting this pain actually? In all tests i got report as NORMAL !!!! so please
suggest me why i am getting this pain ?
At Wednesday, December 05, 2007 12:14:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Good Day M. Narashima,
First please be careful, those medicines seem far too strong for the condition in your hand and foot that you describe. If the first medicine were Maxibolin (there are many spellings including maxigolin) that is an anabolic steroid. That is very serious medicine. For the second, it is a strong pain killer and addictions rates are rising alarmingly. In the last 10 years, hundreds of people have died from proxyvon (which news reports in India call "a new killer.") Feliz-S10 is an antidepressant. OMNACORTIL-10 is a steroid anti-inflammatory. It is non-anabolic, but it is still extremely strong and can result in bone loss if you take it for many months. These medicines seem too risky to take, especially since the doctors do not know what is the problem. Do not rely on these medicines. They do not stop the pain, only hide it, and the medicines themselves can make you very sick. Instead let's see if we can find the source of the pain and stop that instead.
The nerve machine test result is a good result. Have you had any blood tests, for example, for uric acid or gout? Next is the pain in a line down the leg or arm? That can be a very simple compression caused by unhealthful ways you may stand and move, or even things you wear, and which is easily fixed. Let me know my questions, and a little more about what kind of pain, and if it comes and goes and if you know how or why it started.
At Friday, December 28, 2007 7:16:00 AM,
narasimha said…
Hi Sir,
Nice to see your mail. And i have stopped those madicines OMNACARTIL AND FELIZ-2 . so my Doctor said when i met him last time, as "i hope ur pain is coming from MUSCLE i think", in MRI for SPIN ther is no abnormality and for my LEG pain he suggested me for PHYSIOTHERAPY. So i am planning to go for PHYSIOTHERAPHY FOR my PAINS.I hope that my left leg not getting prpoer BLOOD CIRCULATION.
In last mail u told me that how is my PAIN? yah for this i can able to say that its a type of pain
like when i FOLD my LEG i am feeling some REALAXATION and after some time iam getting that light PAIN , again iam going for FOLDING it seems. like that iam getting PAIN and cominfg to LEFT SHOULDER PAIN , WHEN I TURN my HEAD to RIGHT side FORCEBLY then iam feeling free from my NECk AND SHOULDER PAIN.
Like above i said like that iam getting pain symptoms , please give suggestion that CAN I GO FOR PHYSIOTHERAPHY OR ANY OTHER TREEATEMENT?????????????
Narasimha P.
At Friday, January 04, 2008 11:51:00 AM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Mr. Narasimha, your additional information helps, thank you. Glad your MRI shows no abnormality. That is good. The leg and shoulder do sound tight. Physiotherapy sounds like a good idea. Try to go and let me know what they do and how it helps.
At Tuesday, June 03, 2008 3:03:00 AM,
Unknown said…
Hello sir/Mam
My name is shyamsunder. i am from india.i am 27 years old.
i have been using omnacortail-20 mg tablet(half) dialy sice 1 year.
my problem is optic neuritis left eye 1st episode bil papilledema.
so my left eye vision lost almost 50%. doctor suggested to take this medicine dialy.
is there any side effets and this tablet will cure the my problem.
please give the valuable answer. thanks.
At Tuesday, June 03, 2008 3:05:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello sir/Mam
My name is shyamsunder. i am from india.i am 27 years old.
i have been using omnacortail-20 mg tablet(half) dialy sice 1 year.
my problem is optic neuritis left eye 1st episode bil papilledema.
so my left eye vision lost almost 50%. doctor suggested to take this medicine dialy.
is there any side effets and this tablet will cure the my problem.
please give the valuable answer. thanks.
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