Get Fit in Colorado at the Wilderness Medical Society Meeting
Friday, June 29, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM

Check your calendar for a healthy trip to Colorado. The Wilderness Medicine Conference and Annual Meeting will run July 21-25, 2007, in Snowmass, not far from Aspen.
I will teach two fun workshops at the meeting on July 24. You don't have to be a member of the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS) to attend the conference, and you don't have to attend the meeting to take my workshops, although it's a great meeting with several days of fun, interesting lectures with good people in a great location. The WMS calls it "Education, inspiration, recreation, relaxation, renewal, and community."
I'll be teaching The Ab Revolution™ Core Training method, and Stretching Smarter Stretching Healthier, both on Tuesday July 24th. You can take either or both, one after the next. The Ab Revolution™ retrains your core muscles with no forward bending which promotes disc trouble, neck pain, tight posture, and other troubles. It can provide more ab exercise than conventional abdominal exercise, and shows you how to keep your spine position healthy during any ordinary daily life, even when not exercising. You'll also learn to fix one major source of back pain right there on the spot. The Stretch workshop is packed with new, fun techniques that work better, faster, and don't hurt. You will learn how to not get stiff and sore in the first place. Fitness is healthiest when it is fun movement that trains good body mechanics in the way your body needs to do real life activity.
The rest of the conference will have interesting lectures on lightning, altitude sickness, hiking and expedition injuries, diving medicine, aerospace, heat, new research, and favorite wilderness topics of parasites and diarrhea (some medical conferences have whole day seminars on diarrhea which is a serious world health issue, especially in babies and children). Healthline blogger and wilderness expert Paul Auerbach will lecture on marine envenomations. There will be workshops in photography, GPS, survival, and other fun hands-on opportunities along with my two fast-moving workshops. Snowmass is at a moderate elevation. The yearly Run for Research leaves you more breathless than usual.
Class info about both workshops is on my web site page CLASSES. To register, contact the WMS - Wilderness Medical Society by e-mail or phone (800) 627-0629. Workshops are filling up fast.
If you can't make my workshops this time, find the books with complete text and illustrations of everything we will do on my BOOKS page.
Pack a bag. Come get healthy out in some clean air and sunshine.
Labels: abdominal muscles, education, fix pain, stretch
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