Don't Confuse Exercise With Real Fitness
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Reader Dr. Zoe Eppley e-mailed, "I have been trying to apply your "bending right" approach to my daily activities. I find my tight leg and hip muscles seriously limit my ability to squat. Could you please recommend some stretches that will help?"
I receive this inquiry often. People are realizing that they are too tight to move in healthy ways for normal everyday life. I hear it from instructors of aerobics, yoga, Plates, personal trainers, and many others. This is an important epiphany. If you are too tight to move in healthy ways, then it is likely that you spend every day of your life moving in tight ways that create pain and perpetuate tightness.
The good news is you do not need to "do" stretches and exercises. Keep bending right and you will get exactly the stretch and strengthening you need. My most important message that I stress in all my work about exercise is not to "do exercises" but get crucial, functional, effective exercise by moving in healthy ways during normal everyday life.
People spend fortunes on treatments for pain, gadgets, potions, pills, prescriptions, adjustments, and ongoing medical scans and tests. Tightness and body pain is often made to be a mystery because it persists even after surgery and exercise programs. The reason is that they don't stop the cause. My successful techniques for fixing pain, even the most resistant back, neck, knee, and other musculoskeletal pain, emphasizes that you don't "do exercises" but simply stop the source of the injury by stopping unhealthy injurious movement patterns, and using healthy ones. Many people do ten repetitions of an exercise and hold each stretch for 30 seconds, then go back to unhealthy moving, sitting, bending, walking, exercising, and everything else that caused their pain and tightness in the first place.
If you are too tight to use your legs to bend down and get back up without using your hands or getting help, you need the hard realization that you lack normal function. It may be common in Western society to not be able to lift your own body, but it is dangerously unhealthy weakness.
Dr. Zoe e-mailed me a second time and mentioned watching an Indi-pop movie. She noticed the healthy posture and flexibility of the actors and how easily they squatted. She wisely reflected that she had probably lost much flexibility by not using normal bending and from "spending my life in chairs."
Keep bending right with your heels down, knees back, and your body upright. You will stretch your Achilles tendon and hip, and strengthen your thighs and knees hundreds of times a day - every time you bend.
One fun way to greatly help your bending is not a specific stretch or exercise but another normal daily activity: apply the same healthy positioning to ascending any set of stairs. I will post more about stairs, as it is interesting and enlightening. Until then, any time you go up stairs, notice if you tilt forward and let your heels lift. Instead:
- keep your heel down as you step up,
- keep your knee back over your ankle as you step up, instead of sliding your knee forward,
- keep your body upright.
Related Fitness Fixer:
- What is "Fitness as a Lifestyle?"
- Bending Right is Fitness as a Lifestyle
- Healthy Aging Starts Now - Part II
- Good Life Works Better Than Bad Ab Exercise
- Fitness and Health as a Lifestyle for Thanksgiving
- Want Weightlifting? Plant A Food Garden
- Fast Fitness - Balance, Strength, Stretch, and Socks
- Better Balance by Christmas
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Before asking questions, see if your answers are already here by clicking labels under posts, links in posts, archives at right, and The Fitness Fixer Index. Read success stories of these methods and send your own.
For personal medical questions - Replies to Medical Questions. Limited Class spaces for personal feedback. Top students may apply for certification through Learn more in Dr. Bookspan's Books.
Labels: achilles stretch, balance, fix pain, hip, hip strength, knee, leg strength, leg stretch, lower back, practice of medicine, squat, yoga
At Wednesday, November 29, 2006 4:33:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
my gosh, this just keeps getting better. I never noticed how much I bent over on stairs. This way also doesn't hurt my knees
At Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:42:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
A year ago I had never heard of doing squats as I went about by daily life. Recently, I decided to do a count of how many I actually did in a day. After reaching 80, I gave up counting.
Believe me when I say that the positive side to doing squats is NO MORE BACK PAIN.
At Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:43:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
The lightbulb finally went on about moving in healthy ways without a gym being fitness as a lifestyle. I started reading FitnessFixer two months ago. I noticed I lost one pound. I didn't think about it until the second month I lost one more pound. The stretch on my sore heel felt sooo good the first time I did good bending. I figured I'd just bend right when it hurt so I could make it better. Then it stopped hurting because I was stretching it by bending right. The doctor had told me to stop running and "stretch" by pulling it with my hands 10 times. I gained weight and my heel still hurt when I did anything. It only stopped when I sat around and got out of shape. Now I have started running again without pain.
At Monday, December 04, 2006 1:20:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stairs! Stairs! I tried with my heel down. This is totally different. Like a stretch and an exercise at the same time. Tell us more about stairs!
At Tuesday, November 27, 2007 12:45:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Angelo, thank you. Here is a post on
Better Exercise on the Stairs.
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