Common Exercises Teach Hip Tightness When Kicking, Stretching, and on the Stairs
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tuesday night my martial arts students showed they had improved. When I came in they were waiting in two neat rows. I still had to cue them to sit up straight.
In the post Is Bad Martial Arts Good Exercise? I mentioned showing the class not to let their neck, back, and hip round forward when kicking. By straightening, strength and stretch are built into regular movement.
Several readers e-mailed me that they noticed for the first time that they let one leg pull forward when lifting the other (notice the standing leg in the left-hand photo, at left). They said they felt a good difference when they straightened (right photo).
If the front muscles of your hip are tight, when you lift one leg high you may find that you round your back and bend the other leg. Watch for this during kicks in martial arts and aerobics, when lying on your back raising one leg overhead to stretch the hamstrings, and ascending stairs. The common practice of allowing the other leg to bend forward perpetuates a tight anterior hip, which in turn, contributes to walking bent forward and back pain.
In martial arts, you don't want your standing leg completely straight. That is an invitation for your opponent to kick your knee, snapping it backward. But for both health and effective martial movement, you don't want to bend the leg more than a small amount. Bending the back, hip, and leg when kicking decreases force of the kick, pressures your discs, and reduces stretch on the hip and hamstrings. The rounded-under hip position keeps the hip tight, a hidden cause of groin pulls. It also looks weak and unskilled. For lying hamstring stretches with one leg overhead, it is often taught to keep the second leg bent to "protect the back." However, keeping the leg (and body) flat on the floor give a far better stretch and is healthier for your back. Even in slow easy motions of stair climbing, leaning forward and allowing the second leg to pull forward reduces the normal hamstring and hip stretch, decreases the exercise on your hip and leg muscles, and reduces the back muscle activation for holding the straight position you need for health and back pain prevention.
It is said the martial arts gives you discipline and strength. It won't if you practice unhealthy habits. When raising one leg, hold your neck and back upright. Prevent the other leg from pulling forward. You will get a built-in hip stretch, one of the places you need to stretch most. You will get back and hip exercise in the way you need to move in real life, and prevent tightness and weakness that leads to poor movement and pain. You will change from kicking like a bent over old lady to a young strong athlete. Exercise as a lifestyle is not something done "for body parts." It is built into your normal movement to make it healthy movement.
- More healthy techniques from the book Healthy Martial Arts
- Fast Fitness - Don't Shorten Hip When Stretching Hamstring
- Are You Making Your Exercise Unhealthy?
- Fast Fitness - Hip Stretch and Spine Stability Training When Stretching Legs
- Fast Fitness - Hidden Source of Groin Pulls
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Photos Copyright © Dr. Bookspan from the book from the book Healthy Martial Arts
Labels: achilles stretch, balance, chest, disc, hamstring, hip, hip stretch, knee, leg strength, leg stretch, lower back, martial arts, neck, posture, stairs, strength, stretch, upper back
At Thursday, July 19, 2007 2:10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
The more I read your advice and try it out at home, the better I feel, albeit sometimes with many questions.
I"ve come to realize the error of the Hindu squats. Like you said they work. But you also pay a price.
I"ve been doing a lot of front planks and your back extension, with a twist.... I raise both my upper body and legs, straightened, while keeping my hands to my side. Sort of like a Yoga 'Locust' pose, but concentrating less on leg height and more on elongation of the whole body.
I think most Americans, if I may generalize, are simply stiff and a little lazy. So we sit rounded, we climb stairs on our toes, and don't open up our bodies.
I like to think of it this way: Life and gravity pull us forward and down. Why not do exercises that open us up and back? Works for me.
At Friday, August 17, 2007 1:04:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Beautifully said.
The "many questions" means you are thinking - that is real health. Good work applying things so that you feel better. It will keep getting better.
At Friday, January 16, 2009 6:30:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am confused about what hip and other exercises I can do to help my hip bursitis which does not seem to respond to stretching exercises I have been shown.
At Wednesday, July 01, 2009 6:30:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Jilly, it depends what is causing the bursitis. Doing a bunch of stretches but continuing the causes, adds up to no surprise when it doesn't work.
You asked good questions in the comments of other posts. By now I hope you found my answers to each about which healthy movement stops damage around the hip so that you don't get bursitis in the first place, existing trouble can heal, and not return.
The common practice of prescribing exercises without knowing causes, is like paying for floor cleaning, but not fixing the leaking roof.
At Wednesday, July 01, 2009 6:36:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
More on Jilly and hip bursitis in the comments of Fast Fitness - Even More Core With No Forward Bending.
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