Fitness Fixer Reader Hall Of Fame 2009
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM

Welcome to the Fitness Fixer Hall of Fame 2009
Here are real stories from readers that appeared here on Fitness Fixer during 2009.
Get inspired. Use these for your New Year's Resolutions and throughout the New Year to come.
Get happy and healthy using these methods, then send your own:
Designs World Health
Stuart Wood got up and just did it, He studied and used my work, then designed several programs for children and adults to learn healthy movement not only for itself, but to use for building community works. Watch for many honorable and important projects from Stuart to come as one of my Academy appointees - Reader Gains Academy Appointment for Making Community Projects Healthy
- Stuart doesn't stop with his award, he continues with StuartShip - How To Start Healthy Movement Programs
- Alessandro Schiavone from Ravenna, Italy designed the graphic at right, for the annual World Health Awards given by my Academy of Functional Sports Medicine - First Winner - of Functional Sports Medicine Logo Design
Preserves Historic Music and Health
- Fixed ankle pain and used healthy squatting, bending, and horse riding for a month rugged trek. Composer Andrea Clearfield and artist Maureen Drdak trekked a month in Nepal to record the sacred music and art of LUNG-TA, the Windhorse - Pain Free Trekking to Kingdom of Lo
Stops Causes Of Injury Without A Bunch Of Reps
- Reader Paul J shows the humor in listening to how to fix the Forward Air Head Syndrome - Doing Sets and Reps and Missing The Point of the Exercise
- Monica From Montana - Reps of Exercises Don't Fix Pain; Fixing Causes Does
Rehabs Injuries and Health Without Props
- Paul J - Fast Fitness - BIPOD Reader Prescription for Healthier Feet
- Robert Davis shows good bending and points out counterproductive reliance on the exercise ball to fix pain - Fast Fitness - Better Legs and Pain Relief Comes From You Not The Exercise Ball
- Robert Davis - Fast Fitness - Double Arm Strength, Endurance, Balance, Stability, and Free Inversion Table
- David from Belgium - Your Muscles Are Your Orthotics for Arches, Knock Knee, and Knee Pain
- Paul J got ankles and balance - Reader Success With Functional Fitness Training - Stronger Ankles, Better Balance
Fixes Pain With Functional Exercise
- Robert Davis - Fixed Injuries, Got Strong, With Functional Exercise - Real Life
- Robert Davis - used healthy movement to make cleaning healthy in - Cardiovascular Cleanup
- David from Belgium demonstrates - Fast Fitness - Better Back and Leg Exercise When Vacuuming
- A Grand Rounds host takes Fitness Fixer advice. Says he was cured only when he chose to move in healthier ways. Nice since each Grand Rounds host only sees a post for a few minutes at most - Thank You Grand Rounds Vol. 5.47 - Cost Containment In Healthcare
Applies Healthy Bending
- Kathy B - Reader Success - Using Good Bending For Shoveling Snow
Healthier Aging
- Robert Davis fixed back injury from lifting then discovered all the other health in good movement habits - Healthy Aging Starts Now and Healthy Aging Starts Now - Part II
Helps Others
- Ivy helps Merlene in - Strengthen a Neighbor, Strengthen a Community
Fixes Discs and Back Pain
- Reader Laraine P - Fixing Discs by Fixing Causes
- Monica in Montana - Reps of Exercises Don't Fix Pain; Fixing Causes Does
Back To The Running She Loves
- Lisa P was told to stop running. She got out of shape but the injuries remained. She learned to stop the foot injuries, lost weight, got in shape, ran marathons, changed to healthy movement, and was able to fulfill her dream of working as a professional photographer - Physician Told Her Give Up, Fitness Fixer Made Her Able
Happy Again
- Lisa H - Less Pain Means a Happier Lisa
Tells Us Fun
- Paul J - Moving More is Fun
Counts Healthy Times
- David from Belgium - Fast Fitness - Count How Many Times You Help Or Hurt Your Body Daily
Strengthens Hip
- Robert Davies - Weak Hips on Purpose? Running Injury and Hip Strengthening
Makes Things For Us
- Mike Benson shows how to change stretching mistakes - Pectoral (Chest) Stretch - The Most Common Mistake in the Best Shoulder Stretch
- David from Belgium, frequent contributor, made a movie and demonstrates - Push Ups with Neutral Spine
- Another helpful movie from David showing you can control your own legs - Fast Fitness - Fixing Arches, Knock Knee, and Knee Pain Without Orthotics
- Tired new parents David and wife Renilde demonstrate how to change to healthy carrying, and allowed us our first glimpse of new baby Aiko. Don't miss - Fast Fitness - How Abdominal Muscles Prevent Hyperlordosis When Carrying
- Paul J's son James J made a fun model for Readers - Neutral Spine Fun For Kids and Adults
- David from Belgium took time to make us many training videos even with firstborn daughter Aiko on the way, then continued after her arrival with this gem, called by reader Shannon Hammer, "The most charming "fitness video" I have ever seen." - Fast Fitness - Isometric Abs Training. Keep your sound/speakers on.
Demonstrates Fixed Fitness
- Robert Davis demonstrates the one arm handstand - Fast Fitness - Double Arm Strength, Endurance, Balance, Stability, and Free Inversion Table
- Robert Davis demonstrates handstand pushups - Fast Fitness - Add Balance, Stability, and Portability to Military Press - Handstand Pushups
- Olympic wrestler Dennis shows how to change a commonly mis-used exercise - Fast Fitness - Straighten and Stretch Hip While Strengthening Core, Arms, Legs, and Balance
- My student Juan Rico shows how to change a common exercise on the ball to actually use muscles intended - Fast Friday - Oblique Core Strength and Balance on the Ball
- My student Dr. Hanley Owen demonstrates - Fast Friday - Functional Oblique Abdominal Muscle Practice - Holding Straight
- My students Dennis, Ryan, Linda, and Ginger show how to apply a targeted stretch to relieve or reduce menstrual cramps - Fast Fitness - Stretch For Menstrual Cramps
Stretches Smarter and Healthier
- Leslie, now 69 demonstrates - Fast Fitness - Better Standing Hamstring, Achilles, and Inside Leg Stretch
- Liz took and sent us photos of holding healthful ankle position when stretching, not allowing the common bad habit of overstretching the side ligaments - Fast Fitness - Develop Ankle Stability Sense While Stretching
Improves Nutrition
- Robert Davis - Do Body Building and Vegan Go Together?
- Ivy from New Zealand - Healthful Real Food Tastes Good - No Commercial Health Food Needed
- The 7th grade son of readers makes a movie about it - Health Homework Becomes AntiObesity Chronic Disease Reality Check
Helps Better Behavior Reach Others
- Lily explains and gives examples that area easy to try yourself - Fast Fitness - Pro-Social Behavior Improves Health of All
Fixes Headaches
- Dr. Ernst - Headache From Head Position. He writes, "The approaches you have been advocating are often very effective, and cost nothing."
- Stuart Wood - Reader Gains Academy Appointment for Making Community Projects Healthy
Gets It!
- Paul J, Steve Rice, BikaBill, Georges Nakhlé, and Sister Mary - Contest Winners - How To Sit Up Straight
New Academy Appointments
- Jim Morris - Mr. America Appointed Academy Practitioner
- My Mom - Chairman of the Dance Party - Academy Awards - Academy of Functional Exercise Medicine Awards Leading World Health 2009
- Paul J - Academy Please Force, Think Tank, and Namer of Silly Syndromes - Forward Air Head Syndrome - Doing Sets and Reps and Missing The Point of the Exercise
- Stuart Wood Community Health Projects Steward - Reader Gains Academy Appointment for Making Community Projects Healthy
Hall of Fame Inductees Bumped to Next Year
- Two great people won their fame this year and manfully allowed their stories to go next year so others could be counted now - Fellow rider BikaBill, and my old friend and fellow wild-hair Mark Lonsdale who will have his successes as frogman, marksman, and Specialized Tactical Training Unit instructor, coming soon.
Want the DVD?
Thank You Readers For Nice Comments And Successes In The Comments
Anton, Alberto (farioreo), Anya, Terry Lee, Teresa, Vietanh, Dada, Caregiver Sandy, Captain Scott, Mr. Glass, Poleminx, Y, Marina, Rennie, Rene, Belly Dancer, Ted, Shannon, Dentists Plantation, BikaBill, Cockroach Catcher, jojo, JayaKrishna, MegaMom, TonyP. Sam, rania123456, meanne, Joe, Jeff, Elliott, RealMother, Hope, M.Pradeep, Kirstine, Steven, Uma, Vasudha, Laura, byte5, Sylvia, DD, Naiche, Margie, Reggie (R2_G2), SwissGraphics, Charles, Brooke, Sebastian, JH, adarrel, Ted, priyamno1, EMR, NurseLine, John, Dufbil (David), Alena, Shane, Maryk, Jilly, Ness, 4myJagiya, MountainsMan, Wondering Oriental, alkime, Anonymous, and others. Anyone else? Let me know if you should be here to thank.Thank You All For Your E-Mails Of Success
Paul J wrote, "8 months Chiropractor free, so Merry Christmas to you."Anya taught her Grandmother to fix neck pain over Skype. Watch for insightful, smart, strong, stories from Anya to come next year. Anya reminds, "We are so far from knowing our limits!"
Hundreds more, too shy to put their story online, mailed me notes of the best thanks - that because of these methods, they stopped pain, they got strong, they had their lives back.
Thank you everyone for using my methods for Good. Thank you for writing your stories for others to benefit. Congratulations on your great work.
For Next Year
Happy New Year

- New Years Resolutions for Fitness Successes - Reader Hall Of Fame 2008
- Link for all Success Stories - readers inspiring story. It will take a while to load - there are so many.
- Fast Fitness - How To Be An Inspiring Success and Send In Your Story
Read success stories of these methods and send your own.
See if your answers are already here by clicking labels, links in posts, archives, and The Fitness Fixer Index. Subscribe to The Fitness Fixer, click "updates via e-mail" upper right.
For personal medical questions - Replies to Medical Questions. Limited Class spaces for personal feedback. Top students may apply for certification through Learn more in Dr. Bookspan's Books.
Read success stories of these methods and send your own.
See if your answers are already here by clicking labels, links in posts, archives, and The Fitness Fixer Index. Subscribe to The Fitness Fixer, click "updates via e-mail" upper right.
For personal medical questions - Replies to Medical Questions. Limited Class spaces for personal feedback. Top students may apply for certification through Learn more in Dr. Bookspan's Books.
Hall of Fame photo - Mendel Catholic Prep High School
Academy of Functional Exercise Medicine Award by Alessandro Schiavone Creative Director from Ravenna, Italy
Dr. Bookspan's Academy -
Dr. Bookspan's Academy -
Labels: award, fix pain, hockey, International Academy of Functional Sports Medicine, readers inspiring story, spirit
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