Fast Fitness - Third Group Functional Training Exercise: Ankles and Knees in Jumps and Landings
Friday, October 02, 2009
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Assemble your group in neat rows. Stand in front in view of all. Tell them this is a basic, functional physical skill to reduce musculoskeletal injuries, that puts together the first and second skills, previously learned:
- Tell everyone to crouch using good bending (knees do not sway inward or slide forward, taught in the first skill), then rise to toes with stable neutral ankle (not bowing outward at the side, taught in the second skill).
- Next, have everyone bend and rise increasingly rapidly and smoothly, in a jumping motion, first without rising from the ground, then barely jumping. With each bend and rise, they maintain good knee bending and neutral ankle. Repeat 10-100 times, depending on time and needs.
- Next, tell everyone to jump, landing softly using thigh and hip muscles for shock absorption, and good knee bending and neutral ankle. Start jumping moderately, then work for increasing height with each repetition. Repeat 10-100 times, depending on time and needs.

Each new Functional Training exercise shows how to teach your groups (or self) how to prevent common musculoskeletal problems during the team season or operational theater. Learn this one to be ready for an upcoming FFT, needed for cutting, changing direction, lateral movement, more.
Trainers, Drill Instructors, readers, send in your stories of how you use these in your program.
Good body mechanics are a powerful performance enhancing aid.
Functional Group Bookspan Basics:
- Info on this new Functional Training program - Back to School With Fitness Fixer
- The First Group Functional Training Exercise, Good Bending for Back and Knees
- Second Group Functional Training Exercise: Ankle Stability and Ability
- Third Group Functional Training Exercise: Ankles and Knees in Jumps and Landings
- Fourth Group Functional Training Exercise, Functional Upper Back Stretch
- Fifth Group Functional Training: Ankle and Knee Safety With Lateral Movement
Related Fitness Fixer:
- Fast Fitness - Develop Ankle Stability Sense While Stretching
- Bending Right is Fitness as a Lifestyle
- How To Treat Ankle Sprains and Prevent Them
- No More Ankle Sprains Part II
- Which Shoes Help Exercise, Fall Prevention, and Ankles?
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Read and contribute your own success stories of these methods. Before asking questions, see if your answers are already here - click labels under posts, links in posts, archives at right, and the Fitness Fixer Index. For answers to personal medical questions - Replies to Medical Questions.
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Labels: ankle, Bookspan Basic Training, fast fitness, International Academy of Functional Sports Medicine, jumping, knee, leg strength, military fitness, sprain
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