Fast Fitness - Make Your Own Muscle Soreness Rub
Friday, May 15, 2009
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
- Cut open hot red peppers and remove the seeds. If you have sensitive skin, use gloves.
- Crush the seeds using a mortar and pestle. If you don't have that, try a mallet or any pounding tool. More seeds makes a hotter rub. Experiment sensibly. Crush in some pulp of the red pepper (or a green one) to add substance and color.
- Add oil to preferred thickness. Coconut oil is great, and becomes solid in cool temperatures. Or try sesame or olive oil, whatever is healthy and handy in the kitchen. Rub on sore areas.
Some commercial preparations contain petroleum products, like Vaseline, unhealthy for bodies like the Earth and you. Some contain methyl salicylate. Even though these are natural plant substances, poisonings and overdoses are common. Other soreness balms contain any number of toxic substances. Fresh, healthful hot pepper rub is quick and good.
**Wash your hands well with soap before touching your eyes or using the bathroom to avoid burning the touched areas. Be sure to remove hot pepper traces before handling contact lenses.**
Make sure it is your muscles that are sore from good honest effort, not joint injury:
- Easy ways to spot and stop causes of joint trauma - Simulation Suit To Feel the Pain of Osteoarthritis
Related Fitness Fixer:
- Good kitchen posture and use of mortar and pestle - Fast Fitness - Homemade Sports Food
- Methyl salicylate overdose - Teen Dies After Using Muscle Soreness Rub.
Read success stories of these methods and send your own.
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Labels: arthritis, drugs, fast fitness, green fitness, martial arts, soreness
At Saturday, May 16, 2009 9:39:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
What is the scientific evidence that Vaseline and petroleum-based products is bad for the body, considering the vast usage, including hospilats?
At Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
rI get sciatica pain down my leg when walking. Sometimes my hip hurts too when I am walking for a long time. Yet I do not have lower back pain. Can you suggest exercises - stretches etc. I have improved my posture and try to work on it too when walking.
At Thursday, May 21, 2009 1:37:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Hello Anonymous, sorry you are hurting. Pain in the back of the hip (backside and above) is often called lower back pain. You didn't mention where the pain was - in the hip joint, front hip, or back. With that to go on, in general, posterior hip ache and pain down the leg with walking and standing, opposed to sitting, is often from overdoing the inward curve of the lower back.
See the photos in Prevent Back Surgery and check yourself looking side view ion a mirror. Try the short retraining drill against the wall given in that article and see if that reduces or stops the pressure in that area.
At Friday, May 29, 2009 9:14:00 AM,
wondering oriental said…
Hoi Jolie,
Re soreness of my legs, I hope that it's not due to too much exercising [stretching, taijiquan, Qigong etc.]
Cheng Man-ching stated:"When your legs sto hurtin, you have stopped improving" acct. Wolfe Lowenthal in his book 'There are no Sedrets' 1991.
Hope that this applies to me even at my age of almost 82 years and that you can agree.
Hauw Nio
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