Gaze Perseid Meteors Without Neck Pain
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM

This weekend in the Northern Hemisphere, the moon will be new, and the night dark, and the skies filled with the shooting stars of the Perseid Meteor shower.
Every 130 years or so, the Swift-Tuttle comet circles the Sun, streaming icy, dusty debris the size of sand and peas. Every mid-August, the Earth passes the orbit of Swift-Tuttle, raining fiery remains through the atmosphere. Igniting against the air's intense friction, they "shoot" across the sky. Books by people who study these things say they fly about 37 miles per second (60 kps), most burning away far above the ground.
The Perseid showers are seen in the sky around the constellation of Perseus the Hero, giving the name. Early Greeks explained that the god Zeus, father of Perseus, visited Perseus' mortal mother Danae in a shower of brightness. Later the event was renamed (or reborn) as "The Tears of St. Lawrence" for their appearance during the August festival of Saint Laurentius. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean writings of Perseid showers date from the 8th century. I grew up on Russian childhood social-utopian folk bedtime stories of comets, mixed with my Grandmother's whispers of fiery conflagration, later determined from an unknown comet or part bursting over Tunguska Krasnoyarsk Siberia around 1908, devastating the forest (later politically reinvented as a nuclear event, and editorially as UFOs for Russian science fiction writing and American television).
What about your neck?
When watching meteor showers standing or sitting, don't martyr your neck. If you crane your neck and push the chin forward when looking upward, you put destructive force on the neck, shown in three examples that follow:

- Three images above show craning the neck and jutting the chin. Injurious compression builds in vertebrae, discs, and surrounding soft tissue.
- The left and middle images show leaning the upper body backward. Thoracic lean overly arches the lower back (hyperlordosis), adding weighted compression to the joints called facets and soft tissue of the lower spine.
- The right photo shows unhealthy craning with the chin forward, common in some yoga and exercise classes. It adds sizeable compressive loading on the back of neck vertebrae plus shearing force on the discs. When raising arms upward, it contributes to rotator cuff compression and injury. Click Overhead Lifting, Reaching, and Throwing Part I - Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Injury.
I understand that jutting the chin far forward is often taught as proper form. I have taken yoga classes in India with major names and those unknown to the outside world. One teacher told me pushing the neck and chin forward protects the discs. It unfortunately doesn't. Shearing force on the discs is severe when you jut the chin forward then raise it. Shear is a structural strain when one layer shifts sideways (or front to back) in relation to the other. Damage may take years to accrue until visible on x-ray. Don't jut your chin forward, especially not when looking upward.

You can look directly upward for all you need in healthful position. Here are ways:
- Keep your chin in, loosely and relaxed.
- Shoulders back.
- The back of your head lifts loosely upward without strain.
- Straighten the rounded-forward curve of the upper spine - get more upward gaze range from your upper back.
- Don't yank or force the head and chin back, or the corners of your neck will ache.
- Don't lean back by arching your lower back.

The time where we pass through the Perseid shower is long, from about July 15 through August 25. The highest activity is predicted over the Northern Hemisphere this coming weekend. Look up on Saturday, 11 August before dawn, Sunday morning the 12th, late Sunday night through Monday early dawn.
Because of the tilt to Swift-Tuttle's orbit, its fiery dust falls almost entirely on Earth's northern hemisphere. Southern hemisphere friends see few Perseids. The next good Southern hemisphere meteor shower is hoped to be the Geminid showers in December.

In photo 5 at left of looking up through the telescope, the general position is pretty good, but the neck is a bit more forward than needs to be. Get more healthy range from the upper back by "unrounding" and lifting up with the upper back, and less by jutting the neck forward.
Experiment on your own. Use a mirror and send in your photos of remaking healthful fun overhead gazing activities.
Related Fitness Fixer:
- Is Your Drinking Hurting Your Neck?
- Fast Fitness - Stop Neck Pain From Biking
- Safer Overhead Military Press
- Overhead Lifting, Reaching, and Throwing - More Part I
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Photo 1 by Vlad Butsky
Photo 2 collection by subscription to
Photo 3 by timparkinson
Photo 4 by Karen Eliot
Photo 5 by Waifer X
Photo 2 collection by subscription to
Photo 3 by timparkinson
Photo 4 by Karen Eliot
Photo 5 by Waifer X
Labels: aerospace, disc, facet joints, fix pain, holiday, lordosis, lower back, neck, upper back, yoga
At Tuesday, August 28, 2007 2:01:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dr Bookspan,
I have extremely tight anterior neck muscles (due to forward head). Yes, I have done pec and trap stretches for months as recommended in your book, but the anterior neck is still extremely tight and often spasms.
My anterior and side scalenes and SCM are like steel wires! How do I safely stretch them if it is unsafe to look upwards?
I currently do a neck extension over a mattress or exercise ball. Is this unsafe for facets/disks?
Is there a stretch that can help return a slight cervical lordosis to a "straight neck" like mine?
At Wednesday, August 29, 2007 1:50:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Jess, It's not unsafe to look upward. Check the post for "You can look directly upward for all you need in healthful position. Here are ways..."
Next, don't keep a forward head. Then you will not have the tight neck.
The purpose of the pec and trap stretches is to restore resting length, then *use* it to hold your neck in relaxed healthy position, not forward. If you do them right, you fix the problem the same day. It is never supposed to mean keeping a forward head for months. Of course that won't work.
The stretches are not the cure for the tightness, how you use them is. If you walk around with a forward head, what are the stretches for? What is the result of your wall test right after doing them? That will tell. If you can't stand comfortably loosely straight, then you have not done the stretches in a way that works. If you can, then good work, that is the idea, then maintain it when you walk away from the wall. It never means don't look up or down.
To see if you do the trapezius stretch in the way intended, keep your back and the back of your head against the wall for the entire stretch. Then you will not be doing it with a forward head. That would be missing the whole point, sort of like cursing during confession.
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