Fast Fitness - BIPOD Reader Prescription for Healthier Feet
Friday, October 09, 2009
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
For background: A shoe insert is any pad of any size, shape or quality that you put in your shoe for various reasons. Hard shoes are a common course of joint pain. Many shoes benefit from better cushioning and even a cheap soft insert for cushioning purpose can help that. Orthotics are different. Orthotics are hard shapes, specially fitted by a trained orthotist or sometimes a physical therapist with orthotic training. Orthotics usually cost a few hundreds of dollars. Orthotics are rigid forms to hold your feet in a specific position. There are also hard inserts with molded arch or other area advertised to change your foot posture. Sometimes orthotics and hard inserts make more pain or don't change the source of the problem. Most of the time, for non-paralyzed people, if the orthotic can make your foot change to a healthy position, you can do the same using your own muscles and sense of positioning. Using your own feet and ankle muscles is often healthier, more comfortable, and more likely to yield long term results.
Now Paul J's intelligent prescription:
"Bookspan Invisible Pain-free Orthotic Drops - BIPOD. Now you can walk, run, or stand without the pain of traditional hard orthotic inserts. BIPOD will revolutionize the way you stand. Read and follow product instructions, failure to do so will render this product ineffective. Attempts to walk, run, or stand without BIPOD is not recommended by our accountants.
"Inactive ingredients: Dihydrogen monoxide
"Active ingredients: Cognitive synchronicity
"In order to reduce the burden on landfills, please follow the directions below to make BIPOD at home. You must use your brain and following all directions in order to get DHMO and CS (see above).
Remember - get the point of healthy practices. Don't get bogged down on purchasing exercise machines and expensive devices that reduce your own body's involvement in your life, or trivial details of exercise "form." Get the big picture of easy healthier ways and enjoy improving your life."The left over mixture maybe placed in the refrigerator for later use or discarded in most plants."
- Ingredients:
one tablespoon of cold tap water
one tablespoon of tap water from hot tap, before it gets hot.- Mix for 4 seconds in a container that can hold 2 _ tablespoons of liquid.
- "Put 1 to 2 drops on each arch daily and proceed with the directions (Arch Support Is Not From Shoes)
Many readers' great stories are in the piles. Remember to read the instructions and concepts in articles on fixing pain first before asking what to do. Gain the benefits and better health and send in that story. Then we can all enjoy more instead of taking time plodding through and answering reader comments of, "I read your work on how to fix neck pain, will your stretches work?" and similar instances of missing the point. Would anyone help Hannah (or Cheryl?). She left the 36th comment asking if the stretches work on Fixing Upper Back and Neck Pain, which had already explained, along with the 35 questions and replies already there. Thanks!
Related Fitness Fixer:
- Fast Fitness - Somebody Please Do My Personal Responsibility For Me!
- Paul J gave us his prescription for PR & A in: Fast Fitness - Save Money, Fix Pain, Do More Exercise, Get Fit Faster - Strengthen Personal Responsibility
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Book of specific techniques for healthier life in and out of a gym:
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Labels: fast fitness, feet, fix pain, gait, orthotics, pronation, readers inspiring story, shoes, supination
At Friday, October 09, 2009 8:16:00 AM,
Susan said…
What is your opinion of Morton's Foot (a condition in which the second metatarsal is significantly longer than the first)? In this condition, the ankle cannot be in neutral at the same time the head of the first metatarsal is touching the ground. In your opinion, is this merely a flexibility issue, in which the arch must learn to be higher along the second metatarsal than the first? Or is it appropriate for persons with Morton's Foot to place a "proprioceptive" pad under the head of the first metatarsal, as many authorities instruct?
At Friday, October 09, 2009 11:31:00 AM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
To Susan, Good news, Morton's foot does not prevent neutral ankle. Not when standing with the "head of the first metatarsal touching the ground" or during any part of standing or ambulation (moving). Its flexible nature allows it to move to neutral position if you just move it there. The arch "learns" like any other habit. It's up to you. My book Fix Your Own Pain Without Drugs or Surgery has a chapter explaining Morton's foot in detail, why it can normalize, plus how, along with a fun tutorial story of Morton's foot at a medical conference. I also recommend Health & Fitness in Plain English THIRD ed: How to Be Healthy, Happy, and Fit for the Rest of Your Life for the many chapters on how to change to healthy movement during daily life (functional exercise) and health topics (bones, heart, drugs) during daily life (functional health). Book descriptions on
At Saturday, October 10, 2009 7:41:00 AM,
Jigsaw's girl a.k.a., BloodForceTrauma a.k.a., Heather said…
Hi, I was reading Mike's story of Hip pain - I'm 25 and I've been having really bad pain and tightness in my left hip and in my lower back when I get the pain and tightness in my hip... I've been standing up and down trying to clean up a very messy room and I get too much pain in my hip that I can barely stand it. it hurts so much sometimes I just wanna tare it right out of my body... I'd greatly appreciate it if I could find out what these movements are... I can't afford to buy your book though, I live with my parents and there aren't any places that are hiring for any job.
if you could, please email me? I'd really like to be able to not have this pain anymore.. the pain in my lower back is also as bad as the pain in my hip.. I go to lay down sometimes and there'll be so much sharpness of pain in my lower back that I can't lay down..
Also my left foot is bending outward.. I'm not sure if it's something I did to it when I was younger or if that's just its stance, it bends outward so much that its not standing straight on the inner foot... you can tell that it is bent.
(sorry if I have submitted comment in doubles.. i wanted to sign in using my google account but forgot how to before posting the previous comment)
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