Need Meat and Dairy to be Healthy and Active? A Physician Comments
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Jay Gordon MD, FAAP, FABM, Assistant professor of Pediatrics at UCLA comments. Click the arrow to run the short movie:
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Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes:
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Labels: nutrition, performance enhancing modality, strength
At Tuesday, June 02, 2009 6:27:00 PM,
tealaser said…
How can the doctor know that we eat too much protein and calcium if, according to him, we don't know how much we need. There are numerous sources where the amount of any nutrient can be determined and whichever one is used, the results are generally the same. I wonder how much he knows about human nutrition. There goes his credibility
At Friday, June 05, 2009 1:03:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Or the causes of osteoperosis can be related to a lack of vitamin D, which is being shown to be prevalent in the Western diet, let alone other diets, as well.
The idea that it is because of things like salt is establishing correlation not causation. There are many different factors involved in health.
I am quite sure the diet of indigenous populations of Native Americans whose movement was tied to the roaming beats, before the introduction of the Western diet, was high in protein and fat, yet they didn't suffer from things like osteoperosis and obesity.
The important thing is moderation.
At Friday, June 05, 2009 4:30:00 PM,
Jeff said…
There is no contradiction in saying "we don't know how much we need optimally, but we do know that we're getting way too least 2 or 3 times more than we need." You don't need to know exactly how much is required to know that we get too much, because the excess protein manifests as bone loss and tumor growth. This MD knows way more about nutrition than the average doctor, that's for sure.
At Friday, June 12, 2009 2:14:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
To Anonymous, epidemiologic studies (science of origin and development of disease) of indigenous Arctic Americans and others at high latitudes eating such diet, establish both high stroke incidence and extensive osteoporosis. Whether Arctic populations are obese or just "suited to the cold" I will leave to you to debate.
As far as suggesting moderation for unhealthy food, see Health Can Occur on Weekends Too.
Jeff, helpful reminder, thank you. At medical conference "point-counter-point" discussions on risks versus benefits of dietary animal-source nutrients, there is some bad research method, conjecture, confounding of variables on both sides. The science I have managed to ferret out so far, is high animal consumption is not healthy for the animals or the humans or the Earth.
Topics of body type for different environment, physiology of disease risk, fixing pain, and also, hey, having fun in life to be healthy at all in my book Health & Fitness - How To Be Healthy Happy and Fit for the Rest Of Your Life. Make sure you have the latest edition which is THIRD, at time of this writing -
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