Where Did Your Labels Go?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
How do you keep a search engine happy? Programmers, marketers - do you have ideas how we can write the blogs to better feed the search engines? They seem hungry.
Healthline wrote,
"In part of our ongoing testing, we've discovered that the addition of labels at the end of blogs is actually having a negative impact on the blogs' performance on search engines. I'm asking that everyone stop adding labels until further notice from Healthline."
Healthline asked us to stop using labels on posts for the time being.

Something seems to be missing.
Labels are the keywords assigned by the blog writer, previously included at the end of every post. Each is a topic covered in that post. Clicking any label gives all other posts from that blog on that topic. For example, clicking each Fitness Fixer label gives a page with all Fitness Fixer posts that have been given that label.
To find posts on specific topics, look for the "Search Health Experts" button in the right column below the Health Expert Update buttons. Type your request in the box, for example typing in single words like Scuba, swimming, martial arts, squat, or forensic will show posts with those terms.
I put an index on my web site - click the post Fitness Fixer Index.
If you know what else will work to raise search engine ranking, let us know.
Photo by subflux
At Thursday, September 11, 2008 4:23:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is the first time I hear that labels (or tags) are bad SEO. I'll look into it.
The best (and hardest) SEO is to get sites that are ranked high by search engines, link to yours.
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