Medical Dictation Software Fun
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM

Our old computer has been fading over months. Home made software and hardware patches keep it going, barely. Last week we were ready to make the leap to a new computer, when the refrigerator decided to go. We realized that as vegetarians, we don't need the refrigerator much. When we live part of the year in Asia, we don't have a refrigerator at all, the same as most of the locals, and just bike past vegetable markets on the way to work. The decision of which to spend the money to replace has come to the computer.
Now go a few years back. During one of my early graduate degrees, I worked in an acoustics lab to develop a voice generator that could generate spoken words from written. Years later, I experimented with the opposite - computer voice recognition (dictation) software for my sports medicine practice. Voice recognition for dictation is where a computer can hear your voice and write down what you say in a text or word processing document. Early software was known for inaccuracy. Following are some of the real results of my dictation from patient notes and manuscript preparation for books. Errors persisted even with weeks of "training" for the computer to know my voice and accent. Nothing is changed from what the computer decided were my words:
I said: sepsis
It wrote: Sexists
I said: benzodiazepines
It wrote: Then said Diane subpoenas.
I said:
Oxygen periods are separated by five minute air breaks.
The computer wrote:
Oxygen periods are separated by five men and their brakes.
I said:
Then two treatments each 24 hours until symptoms resolve.
The computer wrote:
Then to treatments each 24 hours until symptoms result.
I said:
In cases of osteoradionecrosis, 30 sessions before surgery and 10 sessions after.
The computer wrote:
In cases of Bastille radio and a crisis, 30 sessions before surgery and concessions after.
I said:
Therapy of burns is to minimize edema, preserve marginally viable tissue, enhance host defenses, and promote wound closure.
The computer wrote:
Fairer P F Burns is to minimize the team, preserves marginally viable tissue, enhance hoes defenses, and promote wound closure.
I said:
Wounds (not obvious third degree) are best treated with topical antimicrobial agents, bedside debridement , wound care, and adjunctive HBOT.
The computer wrote:
Wounds (not obvious third degree) are best treated with topical antimicrobial agents, bedside to breed and, wound care, and at adjunctive HBOT.
I said:
Although atropine blocks bradycardia, its administration has no significant effect on vasoconstrictor response suggesting the response is not affected by cholinergic sympathetic vasodilator fibers.
The computer wrote:
Although atropine blocks Bradycardia, it's administration has no significant effect on vasoconstrictor response suggesting the response is not affected by: Richard sympathetic then said I later rioters.
I said:
Hematologic changes, including platelet microthrombi and hemoconcentration, occur in the post-capillary venules.
It wrote:
He met the logic changes, including plate with Microsoft by and he no concentration, occur in the post-capillary the annuals.
I said:
Patho physiologic changes are similar to those of the ischemic reperfusion profusion model i.e., depletion of ATP and production of xanthene oxidase, with subsequent generation of oxygen free radicals.
But it wrote:
Path of physiologic changes are similar to those of the skin near where profusion model i.e., depletion of a tepee and production of Zen the knocks the days, with subsequent generation of oxygen free radicals.
I said:
An additional important mechanism in tissue damage is the activation of polymorphonuclear cells (neutrofils) and endothelial adherence, an ongoing damage.
It wrote:
An addition and import mechanism in tissue damage is the activation of polymorphic nuclear cells (which fills) and ethereal adherence, an ongoing damage.
I said:
Alpha-excitatory receptors provide primary control of limb vasoconstriction , nullifying vasodilation by beta -inhibitory receptors. Finger vasoconstriction may be due to a neural reflex. It is absent in denervated or sympathectomized limbs .
The computer wrote:
Alpha-excite to Tory receptors provide primary control of limp as though construction, nullifying vessel dilation by baited-inhibit Tory receptors. Finger Vasoconstriction may be due to a narrow reflex. It is absent in D enervated or sympathy victimized litmus.
I said:
Sting rays cause tissue damage with their sharp tail.
It wrote:
Sting rays cause tissue damage with their shirt tail.
I said:
Emergency cases, such as carbon monoxide poisoning or severe arterial gas embolism, may only require one or two treatments. Where angiogenesis is the primary goal, 20 to 40 treatments may be needed.
It wrote:
Emergency cases, such as carbon monoxide poisoning or several arterial gas and symbolism, the only require water to treatments. Where N.J. Genesis is the primary goal, 2240 treatments may be needed.
I said:
Transcutaneous oximetry
It wrote:
Trans detainee is ox symmetry
I said:
Pulmonary oxygen toxicity: substernal chest pain, cough, and patchy atelectasis may occur.
It wrote:
Pulmonary oxygen toxicity: some stern old chest pain, cough, and patchy at electives may occur.
I said:
Possibility exists in patients previously receiving chemotherapy affecting the lungs, or in patients who are on 100 percent oxygen between HBOT .
It wrote:
Possibility exists in patience previously receiving chemotherapy affecting the longs, or impatience moron 100 percent oxygen between H P O T.
Newer software versions are said to give better results, but transcription errors from human and computer operators still result in false patient summaries and prescriptions. As Churchy la Femme said, "I'd back a tax on rabbits too." Or was it, "I'd back attacks on rabbit stew?" Or was it . . .
Related Fitness Fixer:
What to do when the washer breaks - a true story: Forearm, Upper Body and Hand Exercise.
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Photo by 24hourmoon
Labels: practice of medicine
At Wednesday, September 10, 2008 10:50:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am crying! LOL!
Thanks for that.
At Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:30:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
I wanted to cry when it happened too :-)
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