Fast Fitness - Balance and Ankle Stability in the Dark
Friday, August 22, 2008
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
This one helps balance for daily life, and also helps footing in darkness, which can be encountered on stairs, curbs, and late hikes.

- Stand on one foot.
- Balance on that foot with eyes closed. Switch feet.
- Extend length of balance time with frequent practice.
Balance and proprioception are key to preventing and fixing ankle, foot, and balance trouble.
Obviously, don't do this near the stairs or the breakables. Use common sense to get started safely.
Maintain the arch in your foot. Notice if you flatten it downward or teeter too far to the side edge. Use foot and ankle muscles to lift it back to neutral position. See Fast Fitness - Fix Flat Feet, Pronation, and Fallen Arches.
Click the label "balance" under this post for all Fitness Fixer posts on balance.
Photo by Rafael PeƱaloza
Labels: ankle, balance, fast fitness, feet, sprain
At Friday, August 22, 2008 4:41:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Dr Jolie - Being one who does balancing exercises every day, I thought this would be easy to do. Not so. Needless to say, I will add this challenge to my programme.
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