Overhead Lifting, Reaching, and Throwing - More Part I
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Reader Hanson writes:
"Thank you Dr. Bookspan for exactly the missing link. I had been attending months of expensive private yoga lessons at [well known studio name deleted] for my shoulder woes without much relief, and maybe have worsened my circumstances. I thought becoming worse with yoga was preferable to surgery that my orthopedic surgeon at [top California facility name deleted] said was required. The yoga directress said more months were necessary (for her wallet?) and I must learn to cool my mind (before I questioned why I wasn't getting better?). I sure didn't question when she wore that little outfit. She showed me yoga poses to "awaken" the area and other fuzzy yoga talk. Poses were raising arms overhead, leaning over with arms overhead, sitting with arms up, and so on. My shoulders burned, she said it was "awakenening." Now I discovered from you it was "impinging." No one said anything about a forward head when I raised arms. I did the same as the directress did. She had this bad posture too. She said do it slowly if it burns. So I burned up my shoulders slowly. Instead of paying the yoga directress for another private session of self-injury raising my arms with head forward I printed your blog and held it overhead to read it. I didn't lean myself back and didn't tilt my head forward. The shoulder is already better. I found all those yoga lessons never prepared me to stand up straight. They told me yoga gives you posture, but it didn't give me anything except a worse shoulder. The "awakening" came from your blog saying use this for life not just exercise. I can lift arms without pain now. I keep my head straight, not forward. Can you put more pictures up of what to look for and can you tell people about your blog?"

Center, hunched (raised) shoulders and forward head. Hunching compresses the area. Keep shoulders down when raising arms. Don't raise arms and shoulder together.
Right (yellow), leaning upper body backward and forward head. Can you detect the forward head camouflaged by the upper body lean back?

Fix Your Fitness to be Healthy and Stronger. Be able to do more, not give up lifting:
- How to avoid neck and shoulder injury when raising arms: Overhead Lifting, Reaching, and Throwing Part I - Shoulder and Rotator Cuff Injury
- Avoid neck and shoulder pain and herniated neck discs from the forward head in activities without arms raised: Gaze Perseid Meteors Without Neck Pain
- Stretch triceps without forward head: Friday Fast Fitness - Better Shoulder and Triceps Stretch.
- Checking straight standing - How Doctors Use The Wall Stand
- Click labels under this post for all Fitness Fixer on each topic.
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Labels: impingement, injury, neck, readers inspiring story, repetitive strain, rotator cuff, yoga
At Monday, August 18, 2008 9:24:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have a little question, Dr.Bookspan:
In bodybuilding/weightlifting it is known as correct overhead pressing technique to press the bar slightly behind the head at the top, also bringing the torso and head forward. I'm sure you've seen this position if you've watched the olympic weightlifting in Peking. This allows the biggest amount of weight to be lifted. Are you saying this is wrong or unhealthy way of lifting?
At Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:28:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Hi Anonymous, In general, they're not lifting for their health. They make sacrifices to do just what you say, " allow the biggest amount of weight to be lifted." Rounding the shoulders forward when extending arms overhead has been found to squeeze or impinge the shoulder more than forward head alone. If you're going to bang yourself up, it might as well be for a good or fun cause. I am puzzled more by the spandex crowd doing unhealthful artificial moves and calling it health or fitness.
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