Fun Steve Loses Weight With Fitness Fixer
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Now he is losing weight in healthful ways. Usually reader inspiring stories start at the beginning. Here is Steve's latest update, sent from Japan. Future posts will work backward, through Steve's upbeat updates. Steve writes:

"I have reduced my waistline by four inches so far. It's a wonderful feeling cutting the excess from my web belts! I've changed my diet to a more healthy one, eating lots of fruits and veggetables, cut out almost all fried foods and processed stuff. I've been exercising. No health club stuff, just ordinary PT. Push-ups, arm circles with weight (20lb potato sacks... Some day I might even put some potatoes inside...) hanging knee lifts, pull ups, etc, and my favorite, the hamster wheel thingie... the little tryk wheel with the handle going through it. About 15-20 minutes of actual work, roughly every other day. I can see my abs again. Hell, I can see my toes again! …I can fit into pants I haven't been able to wear in 8-10 years. Of course, right now I would love to order a nice big pizza, but I'll just have to wait for dinner.... My mid-afternoon snacks are now fruit or nuts. I do treat myself to a square of 80% chocolate after dinner. And of course, a bowl of popcorn later on in the evening. But I'm popping it myself using just a spoonful of olive oil. No more microwave popcorn. And the fat is dripping off me like melted butter. I like that!"
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Photo by GirlReporter
Labels: nutrition, readers inspiring story, weight loss
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