Fast Fitness - Stronger Arms and Chest, and Core, Hip, and Leg Stability With A Friend
Friday, March 14, 2008
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
My students Johanna (1) and Diana (2) demonstrate the beginning of this move. Description of how to progress follows the photos:
- Partner 1 lies face up with bent knees
- Partner 2 does pushups on Partner 1's knees while holding neutral spine, not letting the lower back sag and arch downward. Partner 1 gets entry-level exercise hip and core exercise by holding legs stable and does not let knees wobble. Higher-level exercise is described below the photos.
- Switch and repeat.

- To see a short movie of how to change overarched hyperlordotic sagging spine to neutral spine for pushups, click Fast Fitness - Strengthen by Changing Your Plank.
- For photos to learn to spot hyperlordotic overarched spine and straight neutral spine, see Spotting Back Pain During Running and Walking - What Do Abs Have To Do With It?
To increase core and hip stabilization training for both partners, Partner 1 tilts knees slightly to each side while Partner 2 continues pushups. Try both moving continuously side to side, and holding legs stable at an angle. Do not twist your spine.
Have fun moving and laughing with a partner.
Photos by Jolie
Labels: abdominal muscles, balance, chest, elbow, exercise ball, fast fitness, hand, hip strength, leg strength, partner exercise, strength, wrist
At Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:58:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Dr Jolie - I have been practising the The Plank on a daily basis for some months now and have been trying very hard to do push ups without much success. I don't have a partner to practise with so decided to try using a chair instead. You can imagine my thrill when I found I can do it. I am delighted that my daily exercises are giving me positive results.
Thank you so much Dr Jolie, you have taught me so much
At Monday, March 17, 2008 11:19:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Ivy, great that you took the initiative to try this. To improve floor pushups, use small arm bending, and later increase. With all your past great work (new readers click Inspirational Ivy), it is likely you would enjoy holding a pushup position with your feet up on a chair or other safe object behind you, with your hands on the floor. Enjoy your increasing skills. Maybe friends from your area will visit and make safe efforts with you too, or take photos and share a healthy afternoon of laughs and fun safe activity. I understand they are elders, so use good thinking and prudence. Thank you for sharing your stories and inspiring us.
At Monday, March 24, 2008 9:04:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello jolie, I had written you on neck pain and slipped c5-c6 disc. I had a hard time posing on my previous link. I have just a couple more questions. How do you suggest someone look down (to look at a chart etc at work)without pushing the disc out more (or aggrevating symptoms)? Also the trap strech to the side that is painful seems to aggrevate my symptoms, do you suggest an alternative exercise. Thanks again
At Wednesday, March 26, 2008 1:02:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Hello, I see you left the same question here and at another post. I replied at the other post location - The Cause of Disc and Back Pain.
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