Fast Fitness - Aloe Inside and Out
Friday, November 23, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Here is Friday Fast Fitness - aloe vera fresher and cheaper, and probably more effective than bottled, to help cell repair.

Cut a one or two inch chunk from a whole aloe leaf. Ethnic markets may be more likely to have some.

Remove the side spines

Peel the skin and scoop the cool gel. Be careful cutting the slippery insides.

Add a chunk when making
fitness water and
sports shakes, and rub the inside of the peel on your face and hands, or apply to cuts and small wounds. Dries without stickiness.
Aloe is promoted as aiding cell growth and repair, as an anti-inflammatory, and helps move slow digestion on through. Promotes fitness inside and out.
Labels: digestion, fast fitness, fix pain, green fitness, injury, nutrition
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