Fix Neck, Play Hockey, Use Brain, Fun Life
Monday, November 19, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Rich writes:
"Thanks again for your help! Here's my update. I stopped cranking my neck around and the grinding stopped within the 2 weeks or so that you had indicated."I am controlling my body positioning, more aware, and have eliminated lots of neck tension even though I work at a computer all day. The anxiety I was having about disc problems, etc., has mostly been replaced with good knowledge, a feeling of control, and an ability to heal.
"Every morning (instead of sitting on the bed) I get out of bed the way you have recommended - why? because it makes sense. I don't sit on the bed and then try to straighten my body as I start to walk. I get up from the face down position in the already standing position.
"I've always had an interest in the mechanical aspect of how the body moves and what the sources of problems can be which is why, when I was pouring over information on the internet, your information regarding cause/effect relationships instantly caught and held my attention.
"I eat a pretty good diet - vegan with a good amount of raw foods, but had not paid much attention to posture and movement. I will now.
"As a side note, I coached hockey for about 8 years and played up until about 4 years ago. I had an opportunity to get back into some coaching recently but was really worried about the neck issues that I had been having for weeks. I also used to get a lot of back spasms when I played/coached. After experiencing the progress from your recommendations, which came just in time, I stepped confidently back on the ice a couple of weeks ago and have felt good given some expected muscle soreness that is now gone. The hardest thing was lacing up the skates but, once I was on the ice, I felt great.
"What you have done effectively is to empower people with the knowledge of how to find and return to the correct answers in order to maintain their own bodies. You've done that by providing reasons where needed, presenting conflicting information to show contrast, and using repetition to help solidify the important concepts."
"The key is that I now understand the causes of the problem and can, for the most part, manage the process when things start going wrong. As I cruised the internet looking at information, my anxiety meter kept rising - until I found your article on fixing the neck grinding problem which prompted me to read your other articles on sitting, lifting, etc. The article was immediately positive with a no strings attached approach to fixing and preventing the problem. My overcoming the neck issues is directly attributable to you."
Rich first fixed his pain using my web site summary sheets.
These Fitness Fixer posts also describe techniques used:
- To understand and spot the injury and pain from unhealthful head and neck position - Upper Back Exercise and Neck Pain Prevention Too
- Spot and prevent upper body pain when carrying a backpack - Prevent Neck Pain and Get Upper Back Exercise Carrying Backpacks
- Two important stretches to do first thing in the morning and throughout the day to restore ability to sit, move, and stand without unhealthful neck position - Fixing Upper Back and Neck Pain and Nice Neck Stretch
- Looking upward with good neck mechanics - Gaze Perseid Meteors Without Neck Pain
- Two nice upper back stretches to relax - Tax Stretch and Quick, Feel-Good Upper Back and Chest Stretch
- Stopping neck pain from sitting - Are You Making Your Exercise Unhealthy?
- Stopping neck pain from exercise - Common Exercises Teach Upper Back and Neck Pain
- Photo of healthful neck position when cooking - Fast Fitness - Homemade Sports Food
- The Wall Test checks for unhealthful neck positioning - How Doctors Use The Wall Stand
- Having muscles soreness is not bad, it means you're out having fun. Make sure there is no pain or soreness in the joint. That is the difference. See Teen Dies After Using Muscle Soreness Rub
- November is Vegan month. More on vegetarian and vegan eating - World Vegetarian Day.
I wrote Rich to congratulate him on his initiative and great work, and thank him for his story. He replied:
"Just when I've corrected the forward head problem, I'm going to need those neck exercises to treat "swelled head syndrome."
Smile and laugh. It's healthy too.
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Labels: disc, headache/migraine, hockey, lower back, neck, nutrition, readers inspiring story, sitting, sleep, upper back
At Monday, November 19, 2007 4:21:00 AM,
Mike Monroe said…
So watching out for pelvis tilting and arched back has been working kinda good for me. I have a tendency to arch to far forward or over-correct and arch too far back, so mostly it's finding the middle ground.
Anyways, I'm writing to ask if you have any exercises for the hip joint. Me and alot of my co-workers sit all day and have been developing lower back problems stemming around the hip joints. I usually get knots around the *gluteial* muscles that string up my back and down my arm. Do you have any posture tips or excercises to diagnose or fix this?
Thank you so very much for having this blog.
At Monday, November 19, 2007 12:56:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Rich - Congratulations on your progress. I must say I did smile when you mentioned "swelled head syndrome." Been there, done that.
At Monday, November 19, 2007 6:14:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Whoreray, I looked through your links. Nice neck positioning in general, on you and your characters.
Don't push the hip forward (as you have found), just change tilt to neutral. Pushing forward increases the bad overarching. See if your overarched lower back is from tilting the front of the pelvis forward and sticking out in back (anterior pelvic tilt) or from leaning the upper body backward (thoracic lean) - Neutral Spine or Not? Some people with thoracic lean already are standing with the hip pushed forward. Pushing farther forward is not correcting it, but worsening it. If you have pain from overarching when standing, and stop doing that and use neutral spine, the pain will go away then and there. Use the techniques to check and reposition to neutral in Prevent Main Factor in Back Pain After Running and Walking. The book The Ab Revolution™ covers each aspect of understanding, recognizing, and using neutral spine to stop pain and get functional core exercise. The book has been updated several times as I include more techniques resulting from studies I continue to do on it (and I found a better publisher who uses better paper and printing).
For your sitting question, it doesn't sound like you mean the hip joints where the legs attach at the sides (?) but in back? The pain you describe is common with sitting rounded. Start with Back to School - Healthy Sitting. I haven't posted yet on lumbar roll. Use the free article on sitting on my web site. My book Fix Your Own Pain Without Drugs or Surgery covers everything with more detail step-by-step.
Fixing bad sitting is more important than "doing" exercise and stretches as antidotes - especially all the stretches that only bend you more forward. The standing lunge *if* done with a good neutral hip tilt is great to stretch the front of the hip - usually neglected and another hidden factor in pain- Strengthen Legs Without Knee Pain - Standing Lunge.
Start with these. Keep us posted. Each will work right away if you do them right. If not, check what you are doing.
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