Thank You Grand Rounds Nutrition and Fitness Edition
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
My work changes the notion that exercise is different from your life. If you have to stop your life to "go do" exercise, that is not exerecise as a lifestyle. How you live, sit, move and eat is your fitness as a lifestyle. Click What is "Fitness as a Lifestyle?" to get started.
On the web, Grand Rounds is a collection of the best on-line medical posts from the past week. A different host works hard each week to find and list the articles. This is different from the Grand Rounds in a hospital, which is a lecture for doctors about a patient or topic. Thank you to this week's host for doing the hard work of collecting and featuring our information.
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Labels: Grand Rounds
At Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:03:00 AM,
Unknown said…
Hi! :)
I've been having problems with my body for about 8 years now, I'm 22 now.
8 years ago I badly twisted my right ankle playing soccer, but I never treated it well. Then, I went to the gym for about 6 years actively, doing compound exercises like squats for example. The problem was that my ankle was really weak I started getting muscle imbalances elsewhere from having a weak ankle, and doing tough gym work on it.
My right knee had been giving me trouble on and off for years, and I injured it about a year ago doing deep squats.
I went to a traditional finnish healer, sort of like a chiropracter but one that practices "mobilization" and not "manipulation". This was in august 2009, and he was the first to diagnose my ankle as being weak. So I rehabilitated my ankle a lot, and it got better. He also said that I had some scoliosis going on in my back, not surprising because of the muscle imbalances.
I also started to rehab my weak right leg, with exercises like the pistol as tought by tsatsouline. I also did a lot unilateral work in the gym to try and balance the muscles on the 2 sides of my body. I did exercises like single-handed dumbbell press.
My current problems started around new year 2010. I did pistols FOR MY RIGHT LEG ONLY for about 3 weeks, wanting results too fast.
Unsurprisingly, my spine went POP and my back went totally stiff on one side. I went back to the "mobilization" healer on 6.4.2010. The reason my back went POP was probably a faset lock in my third thoracic vertebrae.
I think I "overcorrected" the muscle imbalance in my legs. The healer said on 8.4.2010 that my right leg was lower than my left leg, when before it had been the other way around. That supports the overcorrection theory, since one of my goals was to get my waist symmetrical and my feet "as long".
After the treatment things were looking up. I went to the gym and did some stretching, and i felt really good. Then I made another mistake, and put a training bag on my shoulder. POP again, and worse pain than before. I think my spine was "susceptible" to injury since the healer and the stretching had really relaxed the muscles aroud my spine :(
Now, though, I'm having big problems in my upper back with pain in that specific vertebrae. I can feel the pain in my hands as well. It's on-off, certain things like sea salt treatment (lying on a wet towel, that's been soaked in sea-salt water) help.
I've had the vertebrae go back in place a few times, notably while swimming and stretching. But i always comes back out, usually on the strairs. It feels the best when I use perfect posture. (As you say in your articles :)
What's going on? I've been struggling with this for 8 years, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this better.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long message :)
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