Working In An Underwater Lab
Monday, January 25, 2010
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Readers asked for stories of when I lived the extremes myself.

I didn't have a camera then, and have few photos from those years, so at right is a photo of an underwater lab found on the Internet using a search of the terms "underwater lab."
You live many meters underwater in a metal structure that keeps out the water. It is an air pocket the size of a big room and the air you breathe is under pressure equal to the surrounding water depth. Since you live there for days, or weeks, the lab has a kitchen. Cooking and using the bathroom in the higher pressure is for another story.
To get to the lab you need to dive down underwater. You can wear scuba gear or use a long surface supplied hose. Occasionally a reporter would come visit the facility and want to stay in the underwater lab for a day to get a story. We, the staff, would teach them enough to use the air supply safely to get them down and back up after their stay, and transport their sometimes large and unwieldy suitcases for them in watertight containers.
One day, another staff member and I helped a reporter dive down to the lab, helped her inside, all nice and dry, and left here there to set up her typewriter (this was a long time ago before laptops and wireless devices). We returned to the surface and put the air hoses away. Shortly later, we decided to free dive back down to check on her.
We took a deep breath, held our breath and dived
down down down
We thumped on the big tempered glass portholes trying to get her attention.
thump thump!

(holding breath)
thump thump thump!
(holding breath longer)
longer... oooooooh!
She noticed us. She was delighted to see two mer-people swimming in the blue depths outside. She waived at us gaily. We hovered swimming weightlessly outside in the blue, holding our breath.
She raised her two hands, making a camera gesture.
She clicked a finger in air and then pointed it to tell us - "Wait!"
Through the porthole we watched her pawing around for her suitcase to find her camera.
(still holding our breath, outside in the deep blue water)
She looked and looked. She scattered clothes and bags.
The other staff and I used a swallowing technique to extend breath-hold time -uuuuuuuuuuuMH
Finally, a camera waved at the view port.
She positioned the camera to take our photo.
(Still holding our breath waiting, waiting).
She held up the camera .... She leaned back, ... She stopped and oriented the camera the other way, ..... She leaned to the side
She gestured WAIT!! She gestured, "I have to get it just right! Just a moment longer just WAIT."
She got the photo. We saw the flash bounce off the glass, knowing the photo would never come out. She didn't seem fazed.
She held up one finger and pantomimed through the glass - "Wait - one more!"
"The cure for everything is salt water — sweat, tears or the sea."
— Isak Dinesen
— Isak Dinesen
Related Fun Fitness Fixer:
- Living Under The Sea (includes the exploding toilet story)
- The Mermaid Stories
- How To Stay Underwater For A Month
- Indiana Jones Rocket Sled
- Space Walks
- Extending The Envelope - Military and Civilian
- Do Military Chants Help Running? - The Jody Calls
Underwater lab photo by Michael Rupert
Photo of me free diving © copyright Dr. Jolie Bookspan
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Labels: aerospace, breath-hold diving, cold, hyperbaric, military fitness, scuba, swimming
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