Fast Fitness - Somebody Please Do My Personal Responsibility For Me!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
A couple was buying a house. The real estate agent told them a problem with the house was that it was near the train, rumbling noisily by every night. It would take the first two weeks to be able to sleep through it. "No problem, said the couple, we'll spend the first two weeks in a hotel."
An opening line of last Friday's Fast Fitness was, "How long does it take to stop slouching, or stop herniating a disc, or stop paying money to eat food that is bad for your health? It takes as long as you want to continue injurious ways."
The letters came in. Some missed the whole point, hoping for magical externals to do it for them: " Can I use a posture brace until it works? … Is it until my shiatsu starts working? … My body worker says it takes 6 weeks for massage to make me aware of my body… My yoga teacher said the pain has to be worked through so I bend wrong to get used to it… OK, bending right does fix my pain, but every time I go back to bending wrong the pain comes back. I do the exercises 10 times. How long until the exercises work?... "
The "martyrs" blamed externals: " It is not possible to control how I stand or sit, I am fat/ weak/ large chested/ too thin to have muscles/ old/ young/ a person of privilege… You're wrong, the slouching just comes back by itself. … You're wrong I have gone to a chiropractor three times a week for years and I have to go or the pain comes back, that proves he is helping me and I can't change the pain…Another blog said to get a thousand dollar mattress and that will fix it… "
Some of the whining was comical: "You can't expect me to actually try to remember that… You're wrong, my body FORCES me to slouch… I have read all your posts and you didn't mention posture or answer readers when they asked (for new readers, you can fall over laughing at that)… Don't you know that it hurts my back to sit at a desk to read your book on fixing pain?..."
Excellent readers sent the brains: "You expect me to actually get free exercise using my muscles to make my own life better?? Congress will hear about this!… I can move my own body? Shocking!… Burn more calories, free, and be healthier and stop disc pain by sitting so that my back does not hurt? I won't, I won't, I WON'T!!!..."

- The moment you bend right, you will stop injurious forces on the discs and knees. Keep good habits, and they can heal. Stop tensing your body and it will not be tight and tense any longer. Relax does not mean slouch. The moment you change to healthier sitting habits, you will be able to sit more comfortably.
- No exercises, no séances, no pills, no mattresses make you bend right and stand in the kitchen preparing meals with healthful stance, breathing not grunting, shoulders back, not hunched, smiling and contented instead of poisoning your body with stress chemicals that you generate yourself through hurtful behaviors.
- The method you choose to fix your injuries depends on your view. If you don't like to have it free, quickly, and in a way that uses your own body to get exercise as part of your life, then of course go to another method and comment there about your pain. It seems to be a 'sign of the times' to do pills and blame. Time for change to something healthier (if you want). This Fitness Fixer and all my other methods are for people who would be embarrassed to whine, and want direct, intelligent ways to get their own life back. Be prepared to have fun and use your brain.
Where to Start (if you want to, no one is making you):
- Read the Reader Inspiring Stories from real readers who used Fitness Fixer methods.
- Last Friday's article that was supposed to be a quick obvious mention of this topic, and that was all - Fast Fitness - Save Money, Fix Pain, Do More Exercise, Get Fit Faster - Strengthen Personal Responsibility
- Can you put down counterproductive behaviors - How Strong Is Your Arm? - Readers Find Out
- Secret To Get Better and Fitter
- All the More Reason To Try - Exercise to Overcome Each Difficulty
Fitness Myths:
- How Many Legs Does a Dog Have If You Call the Tail a Leg?
- Beware of Hype in Training Methods
- Gluteal Muscles Myth - Shaking The Dog's Paw
Helpful easy reminders to sit, bend, move well (you don't have to sit at a desk and read anything to use them):
Get all information in one place:
- Read the descriptions if you want the right book for your injury or life goals. Up to you.
Read and contribute your own success stories of these methods. Before asking questions, see if your answers are already here - click labels under posts, links in posts, archives at right, and the Fitness Fixer Index. Subscribe to The Fitness Fixer, free. Click "updates via e-mail" (under trumpet) upper right.
For answers to personal medical questions - Replies to Medical Questions. Limited Class spaces for personal evaluation. Top students may apply for certification -
Learn more with Dr. Bookspan's Books,
Read and contribute your own success stories of these methods. Before asking questions, see if your answers are already here - click labels under posts, links in posts, archives at right, and the Fitness Fixer Index. Subscribe to The Fitness Fixer, free. Click "updates via e-mail" (under trumpet) upper right.
For answers to personal medical questions - Replies to Medical Questions. Limited Class spaces for personal evaluation. Top students may apply for certification -
Learn more with Dr. Bookspan's Books,
Labels: fast fitness, fix pain, mind, posture, practice of medicine
At Friday, June 26, 2009 4:28:00 PM,
Dada said…
indeed you're right, when I first read your blog and articles, I thought: it seems too "simple" to work!
There are no expensive pills or devices. I only apply the "neutral spine" principle and after a few days, my pain in my upper back is far better. Not still perfect (I think I am still doing bad bending, sitting, etc.) but it works !!!!
so dear other readers, even if you're very stiff (on this I am in the champion league), you can apply principle but it requires focus, particularly if you are like me in front on your computer during many hours.
At Friday, June 26, 2009 9:22:00 PM,
Danny Jimmy said…
Dr Bookspan,
I'd like to ask a question about something which could be an interesting topic for a future post.
I just don't know where to post it and can't find a way to contact you by email?
Can you help?
At Friday, June 26, 2009 11:50:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Dr. Jolie,
Is there any situation that we can forward bend our back without injuring our back?
I am thinking about bending 90 degrees forward. If someone cannot bend 90 degrees they may be weak!?
Thanks and regards,
At Sunday, June 28, 2009 8:12:00 PM,
Unknown said…
Do you want to eat, you pick a spoon or a fork, but when you were young you use your hand, now where does all that come from?
Training... practice... trying out... working out... finding a way...
If you have none of these things, then try to look at a baby who wants to walk... they try... and fall.. and try again... and fall... and try again... why do they do this? Resilience... plus they see their parents stand up and walk... so they want to follow them.
What do you need to learn, earn, and gain? These things are what you should keep in mind when applying the knowledge from this blog...
It is so simple and true it does not have to shout or belabor about it. It just IS.
One of the best example is a baby who does not lean forward to pick something, but squats down to get things.:D
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