Who We Read - Using Fitness Fixer for More
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
Down the right-hand column of your screen are several categories of links:
- First is "Health Expert Updates" where you can subscribe and have each new Fitness Fixer post sent to you free.
- Under "Health Expert Updates" is "Recent Posts." Recent Posts lists the ten Fitness Fixer posts before the one you are reading in the main screen. If you are reading an older post, you will not see current posts.
- Under "Recent Posts" come the "Archives." Clicking an archive link gives all posts from that month. I have been writing Fitness Fixer since 2006, so there are many months in the archives. Archives may not look interesting, but a month of posts at t time lets you quickly skim for short interesting reads. Try one.
- Under the Archives is "Who We Read." Here is where I can share with you sites I personally use:
- Bonkers Institute, in the guise of comedy and with a deft hand, exposes serious medical scams. I introduced it in the post Technical Difficulties.
- New Scientist generally has a variety of well-done and interesting science articles
- Scuba Doc is a massive wealth of scuba medical and technical information, put together by my dear colleague and friend Dr. Ern Campbell, MD, FACS. "Scubadoc's Diving Medicine Online" has an open Scuba Clinic Forum where you can find many diving questions and answers by topic, and interact with other divers and interested people. The Tenfootstop Weblog is a lovely helpful scuba blog. The FAQ is a considerable collection of scuba answers. The "Site Map and Table of Contents" gives a huge list of articles.
- TruthOrFiction calls itself "Your Email Reality Check" by checking veracity of "rumors, inspirational stories, virus warnings, hoaxes, scams, humorous tales, pleas for help, urban legends, prayer requests, calls to action, and other forwarded emails."
Any time you want to see the most recent Fitness Fixer post, click the blue underlined "Fitness Fixer" link under the Healthline.com menus, to the left of my name. It is (so far) always just above the title of the top post in the main screen.
Read success stories of these methods and send your own. Questions come in by the hundreds. I make posts from selected ones. Before asking, see if your answers are already here by clicking labels under posts, links in posts, and archives at right.
Find your topics on the Fitness Fixer Index, and see Dr. Jolie's books on her website.
Find your topics on the Fitness Fixer Index, and see Dr. Jolie's books on her website.
At Thursday, April 16, 2009 2:48:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank-you for your considerable research and explanations regarding neck and low back pain. Have recently checked out the Stretching Smarter... book you wrote to see if it is better than other posture books. It is infinitely better. Want to buy some books with photos next. Have a question. Is there any validity to the claims that "earth negative heel technology shoes or sandals can assist with posture related pain? Thanks in advance for your answer. Hope I will know how to find it.
At Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:17:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Hello Anonymous, thank you. I have several books illustrated with photos. Which one to get depends what you need. The top level book for all training is Healthy Martial Arts. It is for all athletes and shows how to train body, thinking, nutrition, stop injuries, and how to use healthy movement mechanics for all you do. The books Fix Pain Without Drugs or Surgery and The Ab Revolution have a mix of photos and drawings to show each technique. "Ab Revolution" is to stop pain from lower spine slouching. "Fix Pain" is comprehensive.
As for a shoe or other device for posture related pain, you can stop the source without them by using your own muscles to change to healthy stance and gait. Then you can walk barefoot, or with your foot tilted in "earth negative" or "positive" to walk up or down hills, or any terrain. No need to spend money on artificial externals to do it for you. You can give to a good cause and still have some left for yourself, and no pain either. Keep us posted.
Several requests have come in for information about the different books. A post is in the works. Until then try my web site BOOKS page.
At Friday, April 17, 2009 12:06:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
books link to "copy/paste" if above link isn't linking -
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