Fast Fitness - Fixing Arches, Knock Knee, and Knee Pain Without Orthotics
Friday, January 23, 2009
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
- Look at your bare legs in a mirror with feet facing straight forward.
- See if the knees turn inward to face more toward each other than forward.
- Feel how the muscles can pull outward to gently move (not force) knee position. These muscles like to be used correctly, not left unused.
Often, knees turned inward are a simple case of letting body weight sag downward onto the inside of the leg and arch of the foot, not a case of unchanging anatomy. Pain often comes from letting the knees and ankles twist, rotate, and sag. Restoring neutral position can stop this source of pain. Don't yank or force one segment, like the knee, causing problems in others. Restoring neutral means healthy position for the whole leg.
Orthotics are hard inserts that hold your foot in a certain position. Orthotics are different from cushion inserts that make a softer landing for each step. You can control leg and foot position without orthotics. That doesn't mean orthotics don't work, just that you can do it without them. It's cheaper and you get a free leg muscle stability workout at the same time.
Remember, don't force. If it hurts, it's wrong. Creating new strain instead of restoring function is not health or good thinking. All you are doing is restoring muscle length and using that to learn how to stand neutral, not tilted so much that you compress your joints.
Related Fitness Fixer:
- Your Muscles Are Your Orthotics for Arches, Knock Knee, and Knee Pain
- Arch Support Is Not From Shoes
- Healthy Knees
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posture.mpg filmed for us by David from Belgium.
Labels: ankle, arches, fast fitness, fix pain, knee, orthotics, pronation, video/movie
At Wednesday, January 13, 2010 7:14:00 PM,
peter said…
I'm a 36 year old male with knock knees. My knees turn inwards when I'm standing or walking.
However, I could stand straight but not for long cause I feel a lot of pain on my knees whenever I try to stand straight . I guess this is happening cause my muscles(ligaments) are too relaxed.
So what exercises can I use to correct this?
At Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:15:00 PM,
C Sanger said…
Could you please check this video? I was told it was very good and would like to watch it, but it does not seem to be working at the moment.
At Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:33:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
To Mr. Sanger, Thank you for your interest and nice comment. I checked it on different computers at Internet cafes and also checked the original upload. I am away on travel now. It seems to depend if your machine has the plug in or video player to view it.
At Wednesday, April 07, 2010 9:52:00 AM,
Satish said…
The video is not working. can you please check
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