Fixing Foot Drop
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
For someone with "foot drop," the front lower leg muscles are too weak to lift the foot upward at the ankle. The foot hangs downward instead of lifting upward to take each step. Gait is altered and the front of the foot may slap the ground with each step. Fixing foot drop involves fixing three things - stopping the original cause, strengthening the (several) secondary effects of the weakened and tightened muscles, and retraining gait to normal. Common treatment options of braces to hold the foot up, canes or walkers to steady walking, drugs for the pain of whatever is causing it, reductions in activity, and certain surgeries, may all interfere with recovery and create new, and even more serious problems. Healthy treatment can be done without surgery, drugs, inactivity, or bracing.
One common surgery fuses the ankle so that the foot can't hang down. The foot can't move any other way either, causing new gait disturbance, and limitations in moving for health or fun. When foot drop comes from a herniated disc reducing nerve conduction, surgeries may remove the disc. However, discs are needed for healthy spine dynamics. Surgical spine fusion, even more drastically limits healthful movement, and ultimately health itself.
Interchangeably called drop foot, it is not a disease by itself, but the result of something else. Foot drop can follow a herniated disc that presses on nerves that exit the lower spine. It may also come from an injury directly to the peroneal nerve behind the knee. Certain diseases of the nervous system such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may reduce signals to various nerves.
As foot drop continues, lack of stretching in back of the leg that would have naturally come with each step from lifting the foot results in Achilles tendon and other structural tightness. Tightness can increase until that alone restricts lifting the foot.
Reader Sylvia wrote me several notes of her success reversing the components of foot drop. She first wrote in August, after finding the post of Inspirational Ivy II - Beating Foot Drop and Sciatica, and Getting Healthier. Her photos walking with a cane and needing to ride in a golf cart are above, left.
In Sylvia's case, her physician told her that a herniated disc was preventing the nerve down the leg from conducting enough to the front lower leg muscles (usually the tibialis anterior), which lifts the foot. Sylvia wrote,
"The specialist orthopedic surgeon I was referred to fortunately said he would not operate and my subsequent follow up visit has resulted in him telling me to go away as I am no longer in pain although I still have no dorsiflexion (upward lift of the foot). If in a year I still have drop foot I should discuss again with my doctor. Not very helpful…Thankyou for the wonderful work you have done putting this web-site together Best Wishes from England.
When a disc is involved, the first thing to do is to stop the reasons for discs pressing outward, such as bad bending and sitting, and use good bending and sitting instead. If it is slouching so that you have too much inward curve of the lower spine, and that is pressing on the nerve, or it pushes the disc which then pushes the nerve, then you stop that habit, so it can heal. Stop the source. Surgery is not necessary. This is explained more in the post Cauda Equina - Result Not Cause. Then you exercise the shin muscles that have weakened, and stretch the calf and Achilles and bottom of the foot, which has tightened. You also need to practice balance and gait.
Reader Ivy began corresponding in the comments of the post to tell Sylvia her specific events to first stop the disc herniation, which was pressing and constricting nerve conduction.
By October, Sylvia has done much to reserve several causes and results. She was walking without a cane (right) and wrote,
"Hi Jolie and Ivy
"I really appreciate your support and enthusiasm. My badly herniated disc obviously impinged on the nerve causing the nerve damage. I know this is from years of bad posture. I have come a long way already but not too far in the lunging and balance areas yet.
"At the weekend I was seen to be dancing at my son's wedding and I realised that non-one would believe I am usually slapping along.
"Instead of wearing my usual flat shoes or bare feet I had some new ankle strap 2 inch heel sandals for the event. The strap helps to keep the shoe on and the height of the heel was just right to keep me on my toes ! So I have decided to find a dance class to supplement my pool and land exercises as I have rediscovered I love dancing !
"I am going to Florida for a couple of months and should be able to find some dance action there. I'm going to try and toe walk on the sandy beach too.
"In the meantime I will keep on trying to change my bad postural habits! Best wishes. Sylvia"
Sylvia and I also corresponded. She send a photo of her happy and healthy at her son's wedding (below, right), with this update:

"Dear Dr Jolie,We will be hearing more wonderful things from Sylvia.
"I have received the books today... Now I have no excuse for not stretching and correctly at that !
"I can't wait to get back in the water and see how my ankles are - they are probably quite stiff so will need some work.
"I have printed the Inspirational Ivy page with the pictures of her exercising and keep it in my purse as a constant reminder that my condition will improve. Everyone here whom I haven't seen for two months whilst in the UK, is telling me how much better I'm walking. I tell them what I'm doing and if they have any problems refer them to your web page. Best wishes for now."
Posts with specifics to try:
- Inspirational Ivy II - Beating Foot Drop and Sciatica, and Getting Healthier
- Cauda Equina - Result Not Cause
- Fix Disc Pain Without Surgery
- Studies Say Back Surgery Not Needed
- The Cause of Disc and Back Pain
- Disc Pain - Not a Mystery, Easy to Fix - When you stop bending wrong many times each day, which pushes discs outward many times each day, damaging forces will stop, and can heal.
- Changing Thai Massage to Be Healthier Part I - Avoid Pressuring Lower Back Discs
Read success stories of these methods and send your own. Questions come in by hundreds. I make posts from fun ones. See if your answers are already here by clicking links and archives, and the Fitness Fixer Index. For answers to personal medical questions - Replies to Medical Questions.
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Have The Fitness Fixer e-mailed to you, free. Click updates via e-mail "Health Expert Updates" (trumpet icon) upper right column.
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Labels: disc, fix pain, footdrop/dropfoot, gait, impingement, injury, Parkinson, readers inspiring story, surgery
At Tuesday, October 21, 2008 7:44:00 PM,
Kathryn said…
If you are looking for a dance class I really recommend NIA classes. NIA is a mix of Yoga, Martial Arts and Dance but the emphasis is on Your Body and what it needs and feels, not how you look. You can look for classes on the NIANOW website. It is just a lot of fun, which is motivating.
At Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:24:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
What about foot drop from mild CP? Any ideas?
At Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:54:00 AM,
Ivy - New Zealand said…
Congratulations Sylvia, you have certainly come a long way. I am delighted that I have been a part of your journey. Never did I think for one moment that my personal struggle with sciatica would inspire someone from the other side of the world.
Best of luck re finding a dancing class.
At Tuesday, October 28, 2008 12:34:00 PM,
cathy said…
Interesting. My mother has foot drop from a ligament problem in her foot (sorry, don't remember exactly what happened with the ligament). Hers is mild, but can be a problem.
At Monday, November 03, 2008 9:17:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Anonymous, good question about mild CP. For many people with cerebral palsy, the main factor is tightening of the back of the leg more than weakness in front. Tight, shortened Achilles tendon and posterior muscles keep the foot "stuck" pulled down. Start with pulling the foot back with both hands to determine range. Then work to a more functional stretch - Better Achilles Tendon Stretch. It may be initially harder than other Achilles stretches, but it teaches how to stand and lift the leg the way needed for walking and other movement. Of course, work the front muscles. Tap your toes to music. Concentrate on lifting the foot when walking. Have some fun and let me know.
Cathy, same ideas apply. Work the front muscles in normal ways, and stretch the back. Work to walk normally. I hope your Mom feels better soon. Structural problems can be overcome.
At Monday, December 08, 2008 6:29:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello, Dr. Bookspan. I think that I am experiencing foot drop in which I can barely lift my feet up to step forward, which makes me walk with funny, tiny steps. you commented in a link to a post that you lift your toes up when you walk, would this happen at the initiation of the stride? also could you describe the proper walking posture as well. Thank you for your help.
At Monday, March 23, 2009 8:45:00 PM,
Kirstine said…
Dr. Bookspan,
I am 36 years old and I had back surgery two years ago which resulted in foot drop from nerve damage. I've had tests done and the nerve was not severed or cut. I was looking through your posts on fixing foot drop and I see the stretches for the achilles tendon. What else can I do for the foot drop? I was exercising both with my brace and without it. I would go to yoga, Pilates, and Balletone class and I didn't wear the brace during those classes. However, my doctor is saying that not wearing the brace has caused breaking down in my foot because my ankle turns in from the nerve damage. So, now I'm supposed to either wear the brace all the time or wear this new orthotic in a shoe to force that ankle to stay up. Is there anything else I can be doing to help strengthen the muscles in my leg and foot so I can improve? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't expect miracles, just an improvement in my quality of life.
At Monday, March 23, 2009 9:41:00 PM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Kirstine, I am sorry to hear that you have gotten worse health directly from your "health care." Your doctor is telling you the party line, yes. It is the case that if you grind your foot and ankle inward, it wears away at structures. It is also the case that you want to strengthen the weakened muscles so that turning downward/inward does not happen anymore. Strengthening exercise is key. Also check that the area (including Achilles/calf) has not gotten so tight that the ankle/foot cannot move even if the leg muscles are strong enough to move it. A variety of strengthening has been suggested in the footdrop posts. Tap your feet, practicing lifting the toes when walking and against resistance. Work to get function back. Why not expect high results?
Albert, same idea - lift your toes. Practice, exercise, strengthen, work to make them lift. Practice walking so that the heel strikes lightly first, then rolls to the toes. Don't lose hope.
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