Junk Food Through Your Skin?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM
We live part of each year in Asia. For a few months, I was posting articles for you from various villages. The town shower of one is pictured at right - not the hut, the outdoor green post with hose. Imagine what the Internet café was like.
On the flights over, our only bag was lost. US transportation security required us to check our sole knapsack, since it had a small gift for friends containing liquid. It never reappeared. We don't need "things" and it was just as easy to make our own soap, comb, and toothbrushes as carry them.
In Western stores, I am astonished by the number of "personal care items." Not just shelves full, but aisles. Each promising better hair, skin, nails, and other parts, but with ingredients that are not healthy for your body, produced in ways that pollute the world, and packaged in plastics that are unhealthy to produce, pollute when discarded, and which apparently leak chemicals into the product that can be absorbed through your skin - see Green Water. A study commissioned by the Organic Consumers Association found that even shampoos, body washes, and lotions labeled "natural" and "organic" can contain unhealthful, even carcinogenic compounds.
I feel high maintenance just carrying a toothbrush. Then we arrived without even that. What freedom.
We made simple hand sanitizer from coarse salt, rubbed between the palms.

Bamboo is easily made into cooking pots (photo above left). We also visit our favorite bean sprout PadThai restaurant - an outdoor wok on wheels run by a friend. Paul is always popular when we travel (photo at right). The others are not sitting; Paul is really that tall, and has to duck those umbrellas, doorways, and ceilings.
Baking soda and salt makes clean toothpaste. Even without them, a short branch called a neem stick with one end mashed until fibrous, makes a soft, effective bristled toothbrush. Neem extract is said to be a good antiseptic, and effective against various health ills and germs.
After a long day at work and after hard training, instead of hand lotion, you can rub sesame or other light healthy cooking oil onto your hands and feet. You can scent it with mint leaves, citrus peels, spices, and flowers. More ideas in Healthy Mother's Day.
I don't use sunblock, even in the tropics. I do use something to stop some of the unwanted effects of too much sun, but I do not want to block the Vitamin D and other helpful effects of sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteoporosis (thin, brittle bones) and osteomalacia (rubbery, demineralized bones). Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of a few types of cancer, including lung cancer. Studies find that people with low blood levels of vitamin D were more likely to have high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cystic ovary, and type 2 diabetes. Another study found that a number of patients with aches and weakness were vitamin D deficient and concluded, "A lot of 'fibromyalgia' may be D deficiency."
Instead of blocking or deflecting UV rays using chemical sunblocks that may contain chemicals that I am not sure are healthy, I mix my own, that I hope stops the oxidizing effects and makes my own body better able to stop skin cancer mechanisms. I mash together fresh coconut pulp, green tea, vegetable sprouts, mashed turmeric root, and aloe gel. Here is how to get a simple fresh aloe - Fast Fitness - Aloe Inside and Out.
A study by Johns Hopkins researchers, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (October 30, 2007, vol. 104, no. 44, 17500-17505) found that rubbing an extract made from broccoli sprouts on your skin may help prevent skin cancer from high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Broccoli, and the sprouts in particular, contain a chemical called sulphoraphane, which is found to activate cancer-fighting enzymes in your own cells throughout your body, not only skin cells.

There are vines growing in Thailand with beautiful purple flowers. When you rub them on wet hair, it leaves your hair soft and shiny and sweet smelling, but the bugs do not like it. There are other vines that, when mashed with water made effective gentle soap and mosquito control combined.
In Asia, martial arts training is often more rigorous and disciplined than is common in the states. After hard evenings of training, I would sit by a candle made from oil and tightly wrapped bamboo leaves, and rub salt and oil into my, and Paul's, tired feet. Bliss.
- You can exercise for your health. Why undo that by eating junk food - Is Your Health Food Unhealthful
- or by adding junk food to your brain through thinking unhealthful thoughts - Healthier Heart
- or with junk food directly through your skin.
The biggest worry for Paul is just ducking the doorways.
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Photos © copyright Dr. Jolie Bookspan
Labels: cancer, diabetes, digestion, drugs, fibromyalgia, fix pain, green fitness, nutrition, osteoporosis, sunlight
At Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:07:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dt Jolie, you never cease to amaze me. I agree with you re the variety and amount of hair/skin products that are availible in retail stores. Women, in particular, are taken in by the advertising jargon telling us that if we use their products, we will look younger. Since I have been reading the ingredients on food and personal care products, I have been shocked at the amount of chemicals used. Like you say, Dr Jolie, these same chemicals are absorbed into our bodies.
At Friday, July 03, 2009 11:43:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is a really interesting post. I've been wondering about natural hair care, etc. Could you write a more detailed post about the stuff covered in this one at some point? How do I use aloe vera to clean my hair? etc. What is safe to buy in the store for these purposes? Thanks,
At Monday, July 06, 2009 10:07:00 AM,
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM said…
Travis thank you, I haven't tried aloe to clean like shampoo. So far, we use it for shiny neater hair, squeezed or cut from the leaves, rubbed on your hair with your hands. When you comb it through, it seems to remove stray dirt. Rub on your face and body too. Article on using aloe - Fast Fitness - Aloe Inside and Out. A little coconut oil is nice in the hair also if it's dry from swimming. You gave me the idea to experiment a little more. What is safe in the stores? I wish I knew. I do notice advertising using words like "healthy" and "natural" as part of the product whether it is those things or not. I'm not a biochemist, have never done laboratory work personally on cosmetics, and have never gotten a straight answer from any of the bio-pharmacy people I've asked about what good and bad chemicals can really be absorbed or not through the skin. Any readers who personally know this field? Send your comments.
Click Make Healthier Cleaners for some household ideas. Click the label under this post - Green Fitness - for all Fitness Fixer posts with topics like these.
At Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:33:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dr. Bookspan,
Thanks for a great article. Such a fun read also.
Any updates re. non-toxic sunscreen or new thoughts about it?
Love your stuff!
Take care,
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