Quick Hamstring Stretch At Work
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Jolie Bookspan, M.Ed, PhD, FAWM

One of my students, Vikki, demonstrates a nice, quick, and effective hamstring stretch, done standing straight, photo at right, that you can easily do during your regular day:
- Stand facing a wall (or tree as in the photo) just about arm's length away.
- Make sure both feet are facing forward, not turned out.
- Lift one foot to press the heel against the wall at about hip height.
- Peek down to see if your standing foot is straight, and has not rotated outward, not even a small amount.
- Lift your upper body to stand straight.
- Don't let your hip curl under or your back round.
- Smile and breathe.
- Hold a few seconds and switch legs.
Cindy and Vikki use the back pain reduction techniques, and the exercises and stretches of this blog and my classes for their work.
Readers, send in your photos and stories.
Photo by Cindy Button, paramedic
Labels: disc, hamstring, leg stretch, posture, stretch
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