Stomach Acid Drugs Increase Osteoporosis and Hip Fractures
Thursday, December 28, 2006

A study from the University of Pennsylvania reported in the BBC News found that taking a class of drugs that reduce stomach acid, called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), for at least a year increased risk of hip fracture by 44%. Taking the drugs for longer periods further increased risk. Proton pump inhibitors include Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid, Zoton, Inhibitol, and others.
The study needs more work and questions remain, but this is not a surprising finding. The common practice of using proton pump inhibitors, as well as ordinary antacids, has long been identified in accepted studies to reduce calcium absorption.
Taking acid-reducing medicines contributes to other problems as well. You need stomach acid for health. Stomach acid is necessary to kill unhealthy germs and food-borne infection. Low stomach acid allows infectious organisms to grow in your system. Acid suppression is a known risk factor for traveler's diarrhea and other gastrointestinal illnesses. Although acid suppression is commonly used to treat ulcers, the resulting lack of stomach acid encourages overcolonization of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that is associated with ulcers. H. pylori is not all bad, and has important functions in your system. But using acid suppression with H. pylori colonization present seems to be linked with an increase in the progression to gastric cancer.
What can you use for your stomach instead of acid-reducing medicines?
- Pain, reflux, and constant burping are often a sign of low acid, not high acid. Drink a little apple cider vinegar in water and sprinkle balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar, or other vinegar that you prefer in your food.
- Clinical trials indicate that the "good" yeasts and bacteria called probiotics in fermented food like sauerkraut and kimchi help control several diseases, such as reflux, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel.
- Cabbage has been found in studies to be an effective antibacterial for stomach ulcers associated with Helicobacter pylori.
- Broccoli sprouts have been found to specifically control H. pylori.
- It is established in scientific studies in standard Western medicine that several spices have bacteria-inhibiting properties. Seasoning food with raw crushed garlic, onions, and fresh ginger root may inhibit strains of Helicobacter, E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus, without harming beneficial digestive bacteria.
- Garlic, allspice, and oregano have been found to have action against "bad" bacteria, followed by thyme, cinnamon, tarragon, and cumin.
- Capsicum, such as chilies and other hot peppers, have moderate antimicrobial action. White and black pepper, ginger, anise seed, celery seed, and lemon and lime juice follow.
- Researchers at the University of Kansas found garlic, cloves, cinnamon, oregano, and sage kill E. coli.
- Use ginger root to sooth stomach pain, rather than medicines.
- Stop smoking.
- Avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol.
- Stop drinking colas. The high phosphorus content in both regular and diet colas are not good for your bones.
- Avoid agents that reduce calcium absorption, such as antacids, and eating animal protein
- Don't crash diet. Rapid weight loss is shown to lower hip bone density.
- Check for wheat intolerance. People with Celiac, which is an autoimmune reaction to the protein in wheat, have higher rates of osteoporosis.
- Vitamin D is needed for calcium to work.
- Read the post Exercise is More Important Than Calcium Supplements for Bones.
- Avoid inactivity.
To build bone in your upper back and wrist (two of the three principal sites of osteoporosis):
- Do the plank exercise described in Change Common Exercises to Get Better Ab Exercise and Stop Back Pain.
- Do the Quick and Fun Arm and Body Strengthener.
To keep your hipbones dense and your hip joints mobile:
- Use the squat many times every day, described in the post How Good Would You Look From 400 Squats a Day - Just Stop Unhealthy Bending.
- Try the Quick and Easy Strength and Balance Exercise.
- Use the Ancient Shoe Exercise for Hip Stretch and Balance.
If stopping pain and helping your bones are New Year's Resolutions, reduce or stop the need for taking anti-inflammatories for joint pain by learning the healthy joint mechanics given throughout this blog. Often when people stop taking both their anti-inflammatories and stomach acid medicine, they feel better than when they were taking both together. You can stop your pain without medicine, then stop the need for the medicines so that your stomach, and your joints, can heal.
- Prescription Acid-Reducing Drugs Produce Heartburn and Dependency
- Nutrition for stomach, bones, and health for everyone, in the book Healthy Martial Arts.
- Click labels under this article for more on each topic.
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Photo by plasticrevolver
Labels: celiac, drugs, fix pain, nutrition, osteoporosis, smoking
At Monday, January 01, 2007 5:20:00 PM,
Healthline said…
I should add to the list
"To reduce risk of osteoporosis:"
- to get some sunshine every day.
Vitamin D is needed for calcium to work. It also seems to have a key function in mood and reducing pain and certain effects of autoimmune illnesses.
Get outdoors every day, even if only for a short time to move around. It's winter in the Northern hemisphere now and Vitamin D can become neglected.
At Tuesday, June 26, 2007 11:10:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
My spine was improving in density
but not my hips acording to my second scan. No wonder, the selective estrogen drugs (HRT) calcitonin-sanmon and raloxifene hydroghloride (Evista) don't fix hips though even good doc's are not aware. Also, I just ran into several articles showing antiepileptic drugs (also used for bi-polar disease) increase osteo. So also do the popular SSRI antidepressants.(tricyclics tested OK) So if an individual has a bit of psych stuff going on it can be a "low-density nightmare". Oh, did I mention that the repeated episodes of high anxiety with chest pain can turn out to be GERD - so an antacid pill (most likely a PPI) is prescribed. A new tack appears promising for this one; focusing on Truth and Goodness in Spirit ,and fitting earthly sustenance and activity. It may take work but, " laughter is good for the bones", seems so.
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